Our Children Have Been Sentenced to 12 Years In Re-Education Camps

March 8, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by The Manimal

By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network

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Your child has been sentenced and has served nearly a year of their 12 year sentence to a re-education camp. No, we are not talking about a FEMA camp, but we may as well be. Yesterday, Ted Cruz called for the abolishment of the IRS. Although I agree with Cruz that the IRS must go, the Department of Education poses a bigger threat to our nation than does the IRS. We, as a nation will always have the opportunity to earn our money back. However, when our children miss out on key stages on critical learning, there is often no recovery of what could have been regarding the acquisition of knowledge and key skills such as reading and writing. Our federalized Education system is rotten to the core, the Common Core, that is. Common Core is the latest of the educational fad programs which is supposedly designed to raise American school children’s academic performance.  This program is insidious and bad for students and America at its core.  This article examines the origins of the modern day intellectual concentration camps that are commonly known as the Common Core program.

One Bad Education Fad After Another

Most any veteran teacher in the public school system will tell you that about every six to seven years, the American educational system embarks on the latest “miracle” designed to fix the low standardized test scores American students achieve in comparison to our international counterparts. Teachers have endured such educational faux pas from Goals 2000, to School to Work, to No Child Left Behind and now we are witnessing the latest in fad in American education, Common Core Standards. Each one of the aforementioned programs threw billions of taxpayer dollars down the toilet, while contributing to the dramatic decrease in student performance.  For example, SAT Reading scores, for the high school class of 2012, reached a 40+ year low since the implementation of No Child Left Behind.

Everyone one these previous educational reform programs emanated from the United Nations organization, UNESCO. Every one of these programs is a propaganda tool designed to dumb down our children and these programs are being remarkably effective to this end.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Common Core

If we apply the old adage of judging a man (program) by what he does, not what he says, we can see that Common Core is designed to fail before its vaguely defined principles are ever implemented in the classroom. The undeniable truth is that each of these United Nations inspired and failed educational programs have ulterior designs on what should be taught to our children. The undeniable fact is that the brainwashing of our children is the ultimate goal of Common Core. Common Core is based upon social justice, arriving at knowledge and subsequent decision making through a spirit of collectivism and developing a communal agreement about the need to teach and to integrate into each classroom an underlying theme of sustainable development. These goals are not just going to be taught in specific Environmental Science courses, but these philosophies are to be implemented and taught in EACH and EVERY course that a child takes during their educational experiences beginning with pre-K and stretching to post graduate secondary education.

Agenda 21 Controls Your Child’s Mind

For the more aware of the readers, you surely recognize the terms, sustainable development, social justice and collectivism as staples of the philosophy which underlies Agenda 21.

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Globalist and Eugenics proponent, Bill Gates, is one of the Founding Fathers of the Common Core movement and its copyright holders, NGA/CCSSO. Gates donated about $25 million dollars to promote his version of global education. Gates has made several donations to CCSSO to promote Common Core. In 2009, Gates made two separate donations of $9,961,842 and $3,185,750.cIn 2010, Gates donated $743,331 and in 2011, he contributed $9,388,911 . In 2008, Gates donated $2,259,780 to the National Governor’s Association (NGA) to develop and implement Common Core. The NGA is the conduit into America from the United Nations UNESCO, Education for All Agenda 21 version of globalist education being forced down the throats of our young people. Gates is listed as partner with UNESCO/UN to fund ”Education For All,” which in turn was transferred to the NGA which changed the name to Common Core. In a key document, The Dakar Framework for Action: Education For All: Meeting Our Collective Commitments’ which identifies the goals for what became Common Core. The document speaks directly to the Agenda 21 educational ideals of collectivism, social justice,  environmental justice and the espousing of the beliefs of the pseudoscience known as sustainable development.

If the Average American Parent Only Knew What Was In Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 Public Awareness and Training focuses on impressing upon every citizen on the planet, the indispensable need for achieving sustainable development. In plain language, Common Core is going into every country. The implementation names of this global education may vary, but the underlying Agenda 21 philosophies do not. Chapter 36 also states that the globalists plan to reorient” worldwide education toward sustainable development. Reform of the nation’s standardized objectives is merely a smoke screen to the true intent of the program which is to for acceptance for Agenda 21 policies. Subsequently, the Agenda 21/UNESCO documents clearly state their intention to turn each student into a globalist who will accept smaller living space, residing in the stack and pack cities of the future, acceptance of drastic energy reduction and the loss of Constitutional liberties. The document goes on to say that “While basic education provides the underpinning for any environmental and development education, the latter needs to be incorporated as an essential part of learning. Both formal and non-formal education are indispensable to changing people’s attitudes so that they have the capacity to assess and address their sustainable development concerns. It is also critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills and behavior consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision-making. To be effective, environment and development education should deal with the dynamics of both the physical/biological and socio-economic environment and human (which may include spiritual) development, should be integrated in all disciplines, and should employ formal and non-formal methods.”


Please take note of reference to spiritual education. The implication is subtle, but undeniable. This phrase opens the door to the evisceration of the Christian religion. This phrase allows Common Core to propagandize school children into belittling the importance of Jesus Christ. And what will Christianity be replaced with? Anyone who has read the Agenda 21 documents in earnest, understands that the replacement for Christianity has been groomed for decades, and that replacement is the pagan religion called GAIA. GAIA changes the Christian world view significantly. Christians fundamentally believe that God gave dominion over the earth to man with the remainder of the hierarchy consisting of animal, fish, plants and finally, the earth. GAIA teachers that the earth reigns supreme followed by animal, fish, plants, and man in last place. This is a decidedly anti-human agenda. The undeniable conclusion is that your children will receive cleverly crafted lessons designed to lessen the appreciation for their own worth as a human being. This is the beginning of spiritual enslavement paradigm which will accompany the already implemented policies of economic enslavement presently being thrust upon the American people through the acquisition of massive debt created by the globalists. When Common Core is fully implemented in 2015 and your child begins being assessed on the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments, your child will be an Agenda 21 globalist minion in training. This is not a warning about what will be, the enemy is inside the gates propagandizing your child at the exact time that you are reading these words.

Education Without Representation

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The Common Core is an untested, federally promoted, unfunded experiment. The standards creators (NGA/CCSSO) have not set up a monitoring plan to test this national experiment, to see what, if any, unintended consequences the Common Core will have on our children. This is a game Russian Roulette being played on the socio-emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of our children’s development. No intended disrespect to Ted Cruz, but the unconstitutional Department of Education is a far bigger threat to the domestic tranquility of the United States than is the IRS. After nearly a year in the Common Core standards, there is some good news. States like Arizona are beginning to push back against this federal tyranny being perpetrated against our children. The bad news is that states are not pushing back because they care about the kids, they are pushing back because they have now seen the price tag associated with the unfunded federal mandates associated with this educational monstrosity. Homeschooling is looking better and better. This is what the founding fathers intended anyway. With the advent of the Tenth Amendment. All education is supposed to local and that is what is precisely needed if we are to salvage the intellectual development of our children because under the existing set of rules, there is no time off for good behavior when it comes to the 12 year sentence imposed by the state on the education of our children.

No teacher and no school board member was asked to contribute to the Common Core standards. Nor was any State Legislature involved in the creation of this monstrosity.

Under this plan, every teacher will teach the same material with the same teaching strategies as every other teacher. This is the 21st Century educational version of the Stepford Wives. The Tenth Amendment is dead and individual freedom is being stamped out. Why have teachers, just hire a set of cloned robots to carry out this mass indoctrination of our children. And if your children are not fully “re-educated” after 12 years of United Nations brainwashing, they will likely get a second chance to be re-educated in a FEMA camp as per the dictates of  the guidelines for our soon-to-be FEMA camps as prescribed in FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF).

From the womb to the tomb, the destiny of our children is determined unless we get off our “collective” backsides and get to work undoing the damage being done by the Obama administration.