CNN Reporter Suggests Trump Is Racist, but Hispanic Man in MAGA Hat Sets Him Straight

December 28, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff

By Jared Harris

Despite CNN’s claims that President Donald Trump is attacking Mexicans and other immigrants, one Hispanic man set them straight on national television.

The best part? He did it while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Ray Baca and his organization, Border Hispanics for Trump, were the subject of a Thursday CNN piece on Hispanics who support the president.

The network’s bias came out in full force in the first few seconds of the report, when reporter Erica Hill claimed that Trump “launched his 2016 campaign with an attack on immigrants from Mexico, saying Mexico isn’t sending their best and infamously calling Mexicans ‘rapists.’”

After Hill’s introduction, the report showed Baca working to win over Hispanic voters in El Paso, Texas.