COVID-19 Cases Increasing with Increased Testing, Yet Deaths Plunge

July 4, 2020 in News by RBN Staff


New cases of COVID-19 hit record levels in recent days, but the number of fatalities has stabilized in the last few days at a level well below its peak. Deaths are either falling or holding steady. The vast majority of fatalities involve seniors and individuals with chronic underlying health conditions. CDC Director Robert Redfield attributed the spike in cases across the United States to “many factors to include increased testing, community transmission, and outbreaks in settings such as nursing homes and occupational settings.” In response, some of the most populous states and cities have paused or rolled back their reopening plans. [What Redfield failed to mention is that the tests are incapable of distinguishing between COVID-19 and many other viruses, including seasonal flu. For all we know, the so-called “cases” of COVID-19 could be responses to other things. The entire charade of “case” statistics is theater, not science.] -GEG

Coronavirus-linked deaths across the U.S. have been dropping over the past few weeks, even as the country hit record levels in the number of new confirmed cases in recent days, a Breitbart News analysis of the seven-day average of fatalities revealed.

Most coronavirus databases rely on moving averages of cases and deaths because the numbers fluctuate day-by-day.

Although the seven-day average of fatalities had been steadily dropping in recent weeks, it appears to have stabilized in the last few days at a level well below its peak.

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