Have the globalists been thwarted by Putin in Kazakhstan, and the military of Myanmar (Burma)?

January 12, 2022 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


Source: RealHistoryChan.com | Anti-New York Times


NY Times: In Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi Sentenced to 4 More Years
NY Times: Russian Troops Will Stay to Finish Job in Kazakhstan, Putin Says

Russians in Kazakhstan


Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (Burma)



The nations of Myanmar (fka Burma) and Kazakhstan are located about 2500 miles away from each other and have very little in common. Nonetheless, the welcome news of the respective events described in the two headlines featured above are closely related because they confirm something that Q foretold as far back as four years ago. How so? Think about it for a few moments, before reading further. Only advanced students of the NWO Conspiracy will note the related significance of these two contemporaneous events.

KAZAKHSTAN (Central Asia)

MYANMAR (East Asia)


A disgraced politician gets longer prison time in Myanmar — and a failed coup in Kazakhstan. What’s the common lesson here?
The answer? It’s quite simple, really. Both of these events confirm that the “storm” is indeed occurring “worldwide.” It’s very clear now that the Globalists no longer have anywhere near the “muscle” they once had. To use a sports analogy, team NWO is now like the Pittsburgh Steelers football team of the early 1980s — still formidable, yet in decline and playing at nowhere near the level of dominance of the 1970s glory days of four Super Bowl championships. Consider the following:

* Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi

As recently as five years ago, could an untouchable Globalist Golden Gal (a Nobel Peace Prize winner no less!) like the sainted Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi be continually  humiliated like this without the Myanmar military (which ousted and arrested her for voter fraud nearly one year ago) having to pay a dear price in the court of “world opinion?” Hell no! But now, the “White Hats” of Myanmar are having their way in meting out long overdue justice to this skinny bitch who may, when all is said and done, end up with a total of 60 years for her numerous crimes. And no one, not Soros nor Deep State Amnesty International, nor Sulzberger’s Slimes, nor the United Nations can save their long-cultivated asset from dying in prison.




The Scum International love giving each other all kinds of awards for “human rights”  and “peace”   and “democracy  — 1. Aung San Suu Kyi honored by Mad Maddie Halfbright and John McStain // 3. Drunken John Boehner, Drunken Nancy, Killary & Mitch the Corpse McConnell pay homage to the Bitch of Burma.



As thick as thieves with Obongo, Killary, the Frumpy Frau and George Soros




From her days as a “dissident” to her “democratic” rise to State Counselor, the international Pinko Press has been puffing-up this nasty sainted harridan for more than 30 years …. but now, no one can save her.

Not only was the failed “spontaneous” coup attempt in Kazakstan the weakest “Color Revolution” ever staged by the Globalists and their henchmen, but the fact that the arrival of Russian troops to help restore order in the former Soviet republic came, with scarcely a peep of protest from the sanctimonious swine of the suddenly impotent “international community” , is astonishing to behold. Compare and contrast this to the hysterical and menacing wall-to-wall, 24/7, “flood-the-zone” response to Russia’s justifiable self-defensive actions in Georgia (2008) and Crimea (2014) and there can be no doubt that the Rothschild-Soros Mafia has been quietly de-balled.

* It’s quite possible that Putin and the White Hats may have even staged or induced this pathetic coup attempt as a means to consolidating their authoritative protection over Kazakhstan.

China’s recent cleaning out of the CIA assets in Hong Kong — the resiliency of Belarus boss Alexander Lukashenko — and Donald Trump‘s total takeover of a re-balled Republican Party also offer us more evidence of this unmistakable power shift.

No doubt about it, boys and girls. The “storm” — exactly as Q said it would be — is a worldwide phenomenon. Only the advance winds and heavy rains have hit so far. The really nasty stuff is yet to come. Stay tuned.




1. Russians go to protect the massive and resource-rich nation of Kazakhstan — and there’s not a darn thing the Globalists can do to stop them. //

2. From the pits of Hell, Putin-hater Zbig Brzezinski is surely lamenting the “loss” of Central Asia. From his pre-9/11 book (which hinted at a coming “Pearl Harbor” type event!) : How America ‘manages’ Eurasia is critical. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions.  (p.31)


“A glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.” (p.31)





Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Russians invaded Kazakhstan and that the popular former president of Myanmar was just sentenced to additional years in prison by the military regime that overthrew her.

Boobus Americanus 2: Oh dear! It’s like fascism is on the march all over the world.
St. Sugar: Yeah baby!

 Editor: In a way, Boobus is correct — because Fascism can properly be defined as a righteously authoritarian resistance to Globalism / Marxism.