Obama Claims “Not a Smidgen of Corruption” at IRS – But this Infographic Proves Him Dead Wrong

October 26, 2014 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Tea Party Update

Reason.com recently produced an infographic to visually demonstrate just how bad the IRS targeting really was. The infographic, which can be seen below, shows that the overwhelming amount of applications which were prevented from being accepted belonged to conservative and “right leaning groups.”


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And yet here we have Lois Lerner along with her boss — the President Himself — saying “nothing wrong” was done and there “wasn’t a smidgen of corruption going on at the IRS.”

It’s profoundly obvious this is a lie.

The problem is when you take a look at the image above you can see that more than 4 out of 5 organizations denied tax-exempt status were aligned with conservative ideology.

A minuscule 10% denied tax-exempt status were “left-leaning.”

That’s pretty horrific when you look at it objectively. It also makes the corruption glaringly obvious.

Worse yet is the IRS has received no punishment for its misdeeds and is in fact being publicly prodded by Democrats for increased targeting of conservative groups.

As The Hill reports:

In the wake of the IRS targeting scandal, the Democrats are publicly prodding the agency instead of lobbying them directly. They are also careful to say the IRS should treat conservative and liberal groups equally, but they’re concerned about an impending tidal wave of attack ads funded by GOP-allied organizations.

Much of the funding for those groups is secret, in contrast to the donations lawmakers collect, which must be reported publicly.

One of the most powerful groups is Americans for Prosperity, funded by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch. It has already spent close to $30 million on ads attacking Democrats this election cycle.

“If they’re claiming the tax relief, the tax benefit to be a nonprofit for social relief or social justice, then that’s what they should be doing,” said Sen. Mark Begich (D), who faces a competitive race in Alaska. “If it’s to give them cover so they can do political activity, that’s abusing the tax code.”

The problem is the IRS wasn’t just going after groups who were abusing their non-profit status, they were actually targeting groups that were teaching about the constitution and constitutional liberties.

The agenda is clear, win at all costs — and make sure Americans stay ignorant about the constitution.

The truth is the IRS is doing everything they can to help keep Democrats in power. And the IRS continues to operate in such a way that they are worthy of prosecution.

Do what you can do to rob the IRS of the chance to take any more money from you than they already do.