Sen. Feinstein’s husband to make $1B off new insider deal

January 18, 2015 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Intellihub


CALIFORNIA (INTELLIHUB) — You know how they all do it, obtaining no-bid contracts for their private corporations, insider deals, solicitations, the scandals run deep in Washington for sure.

And now Democratic California Senator Dianne Feinstein has managed to help get her husband an insider government deal worth around $1 billion, which is mere chump change when compared to the national debt of $18 trillion that others have looted.

According to Page Six:

The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings — so it can lease space more expensively — and the real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.

Blum’s company, CBRE, was selected in March 2011 as the sole real estate agent on sales expected to fetch $19 billion. Most voters didn’t notice that Blum is a member of CBRE’s board and served as chairman from 2001 to 2014.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s wealth is said to already be $70M. Now some wonder what the spousal support may be.