US provoking war with Russia that could result in total destruction: Ron Paul

December 7, 2014 in News, Video by RBN Staff

Source: Press TV

Ron Paul, former US congressman and two-time Republican presidential candidate
Sat Dec 6, 2014 10:24AM GMT

Former American lawmaker Ron Paul says the United States is provoking a deadly war against Russia that “could result in total destruction” of both countries.

Paul made the remarks in an article published on Thursday, after the US House of Representatives passed a resolution that strongly condemned Russia’s “continuing political, economic, and military aggression” against Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova and the “continuing violation of their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.”

The two-time Republican presidential candidate called Resolution 758 “to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever.”

“In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing,” he added.

Next day, the 79-year-old politician told Russia Today that the resolution was “part of the war propaganda machine.”

“This was terrible; this was just a very provocative resolution,” he continued.

Military tensions between the United States and Russia have escalated steadily since April, when the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea reunited with the Russian Federation following a referendum a month earlier.

Washington accuses Moscow of arming and supporting pro-Russian forces fighting in the predominantly Russian-speaking areas in eastern Ukraine. Moscow calls the accusations “groundless”.

The US-led military buildup in NATO member states bordering Russia has drawn strong objections from Moscow, followed by warnings of a well-measured response.

The United States plans to bolster its armored presence and keep rotations of American troops in Eastern Europe to provide “deterrence against Russian aggression.”