What Happens When A Patriot Juror Says “SC%#W YOU!” to BAD LAWS? You’ll Be Surprised.

December 28, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

source: dcdirtylaundry.com
by David L Brockett

Citizens strike back against tyrannical laws

Forty years before our nation was formed, a young German immigrant printer in New York, Peter Zenger, was tried for libel against the King’s governor.  There was no defense against libel back then—you were guilty even if you could prove your comments were true! Fortunately for Mr. Zenger, he had the best lawyer in the Colonies, Andrew Hamilton.  With his client facing years of imprisonment, Counselor Hamilton made a bold move. He asked the jury to find Mr. Zenger not guilty if they believed the law to be unjust. The jury complied, and the first case of freedom of the press was won with what would be called “Jury Nullification.”

Fortunately for us, jury nullification is still legal today, even though pompous judges will instruct juries otherwise (lie), and automatically strike a juror from the pool if they disagree, and sometimes criminally charge persons who share nullification information with other jurors. It is the MOST powerful tool available to citizens to push back against government tyranny—and the least understood.

So what is Jury Nullification, exactly?