If Economic Cycle Theorists Are Correct, 2015 To 2020 Will Be Pure Hell For The United States

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Does the economy move in predictable waves, cycles or patterns?  There are many economists that believe that it does, and if their projections are
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17 Facts To Show To Anyone That Believes That The U.S. Economy Is Just Fine

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network No, the economy is most definitely not “recovering”.  Despite what you may hear from the politicians and from the mainstream media, the truth is
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Epidemic Of Hunger: New Report Says 49 Million Americans Are Dealing With Food Insecurity

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network If the economy really is “getting better”, then why are nearly 50 million Americans dealing with food insecurity?  In 1854, Henry David Thoreau observed
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10 Stories From The Cold, Hard Streets Of America That Will Break Your Heart

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network If the economy is really “getting better”, then why have millions upon millions of formerly middle class Americans been pushed to the point of
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32 Statistics That Obama Neglected To Mention During The State Of The Union Address

Source: Black Listed News Show this article to anyone that believes that the economy has actually improved under Barack Obama.  On Tuesday evening, Barack Obama once again attempted to convince
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