December 11, 2016 in Columnists by RBN Staff
We are deer in the headlights of a fast-approaching doom
By John Kaminski
There is no moral authority in the world capable of confronting this clever cabal of neocon mass murderers. The churches are all bought off and hiding their own crimes. And the governments are all tied up by the Jews, not at all concerned with the rights of non Jewish human beings.
What is the purpose of human beings? To raise healthy families and keep your neighborhood neat? To preserve the earth in all its glory? Instead humans have abused and destroyed it. Absent fathers trade lives for profits and let their children romp unguided toward disaster in a drug addled mixed race hell.
What defines success in our curdled civilization is the ability to lie convincingly and make people believe they are striking it rich when in actuality you are picking their pockets. Every politician who ever lived knows that trick as he speaks of peace while planning for war.
And Donald Trump might yet prove to be the world’s greatest chameleon, as he hires the very villains he promised to dislodge from the swamp he is pretending to drain.
You are being played, for your wealth and your life. You are being kept in line in preparation for the fleecing and the slaughter.
Parallel failures
The failure of journalism is really the failure of religion, and the impotence of both. Neither one can really prove it is telling the truth, but people choose to believe them anyway because most people prefer to believe in something. If we retain some rudimentary intelligence, eventually we learn the evening news is gospel truth from the devil himself.
Neither journalism nor religion are strong enough or brave enough to confront the purveyors of filth who continue to rule all governments, and buy the allegiance of high-priced whores known as journalists.
Since they both play off conflict, journalism and religion keep the world in combat mode over who tells the better story of why we are here, which we still haven’t figured out, and likely never will.
In our forced white noise semi coma we are taught not to notice the lies of the media and the lies of the government are one and the same. Our lives are ruled by executive sessions we know nothing about, and never will. The walls of our prison are appealingly concealed by sensual social pleasures that, like Tylenol, shrink our brains.
The speedy progress of technology correspondingly diminishes our physical abilities, and our ability to think organically based upon the early training our parents gave to us is methodically rubbed out by government programs designed to craft compliant slaves for the superstate.
The real criminals are the people who have been in charge, and Donald Trump has hired many of them to supposedly drain the swamp of Washington corruption.
Some criminals can never be rehabilitated and Trump has surrounded himself with the very Washington insiders he criticized on the campaign trail. I think we’re about to witness unprecedented affronts to civil liberties and increased aggression overseas in service to Israeli interests.
In all of this brouhaha about electoral manipulations, the real gist of the truth is constantly and deliberately obscured due entirely to the misleading behavior of mainstream media.
The main point that the American people have missed throughout the 20th century and before is that the people who report the news and shape what’s in your brain have, since the dawn of the republic, been unnaturally connected to the movers and shakers who commit all the megacrimes — like stealing Iraq’s oil, in fact. Or Libya’s water. Or Afghanistan’s poppy crop.
Gang of crooks
And by missing all the news that is shapeshifted by Jewish newspaper owners, the majority of Americans has been prevented from realizing that every aspect of society, at this late date, is controlled lock, stock and barrel by a pathological gang of crooks who managed to take secret control of England in 1645 and has spread its stain of greed, perversion and compound interest across the entire world, into every single most personal corner of our lives.
Ordinary people who have been hammered into the public school/mass media version of humans have no inkling of the information that has been hidden from them — Roosevelt and his Jewish advisers started World War II, the Mossad engineered all the destruction of 9/11, and your government is trying to kill you by brazenly approving poison food and toxic medicines for human consumption.
You may now guess who owns the pharmaceutical and food production industries, and who among government regulators gets to approve these genocidal situations. The lawyers who champion the various causes collude with judges appointed to stall human freedom for profit, and nothing substantive ever gets passed that is not of primary value to the rich people who run the world.
Jews have changed the character of the world from decent human beings to thieves. The dominant ethos in America is now screw everyone you can and get rich. Just look as the way hospitals preposterously inflate prices for the uninsured, or what the government pays for household items — stuff like thousand dollar faucets and hundred dollar screwdrivers.
It’s like we have all become cannibals consuming ourselves. The Jews consider their teaching successful.
An insult to humanity
Jews are an insult to humanity, in their fatuous claims to be above the law of God and man. They have corrupted every society they have ever encountered, ever infected, from their plague ridden robbery victims they left in ancient Egypt to the bathhouse perversions of present day Brooklyn where men with long white beards rape children in saunas, Jews break down the bonds of society by their secret perversions that cheapen the value of the term human.
They are a profound embarrassment to the remainder of the human species.
Jews have been at the forefront of uncountable schemes to not only rob others of their hard-earned possessions but also to hurt other people simply for the pleasure it gives them. As the French cynic Voltaire noted, this personality, if allowed to fester undiagnosed and untreated, will destroy everything we know, everything we hold dear. It will be fatal to the whole world, he said.
And speaking of the whole world, I have a dear friend who has contracted Guy McPherson’s disease and believes the prediction of the renegade environmental zealot who now says HUMANS WILL GO EXTINCT IN TEN YEARS. People who immerse themselves in this perspective inevitably begin contemplating suicide.
McPherson’s demeanor has taken a turn for the worse since he began his campaign of explaining why life on this planet will not survive the rising heat that will result from the release of methane from the unfreezing polar regions. <>
And to top off our daily dose of cognitive dissonance, I have another close friend tuned into the sudden disappearance of sunspots predicting record cold years ahead, much like the Maunder Minimum cooldown of the 17th century. <>
Quiz yourself
So, how did you take to the news that virtually everything you have learned from mass media throughout your life has been false? It is the condition of the world that this is not the worst news you received today.
Until we deal with the basic bank scam no progress can be made in any area. Because the Jews control the money they control the world.
When they are through robbing you of all your possessions, they will have no reason to keep you around. You could be used for mulch, or Soylent Green.
We have to realize the situation and identify who is aiming to destroy society for their own twisted purposes.
If you insist it’s not the Jews then you are forever trapped in their darkness and at risk for your life.
If there is no goodness left in America, it is because you have not spoken up. Jewish entertainment has left you deaf, dumb and blind to the beauty of the world it teaches you to destroy.