September 22, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
via: Syrian Perspective
I’ll bet some of my readers did not believe me when I kept telling them the SAA-MI people were intercepting chatter between British-accented terrorist enablers and the cannibals of Nusra/Alqaeda. Well, yesterday, the Russians bore me out. A Russian missile warship off the coast of Latakia fired 3 Kaliber cruise missiles at a site where a “massive” amount of electronic communication was monitored. It was near Daaret ‘Izza in the shadow of Mt. Sam’aan north of Aleppo and Barakaat Mountain to the west. It appears that the liars at the American State Department who were claiming they were in favor of a cease fire had over 70 terrorist spies operating out of caves and safe houses in the area directing terrorists in the war against the people of Syria and its great army.
I’m not going to pull any punches. My information is that Vladimir Putin is livid over the American attack on the Syrian Army in Dayr El-Zor, an attack which, if it had continued, would have enabled the ISIS terrorists to overrun the well-protected airbase there which the SAAF uses regularly to pound terrorist positions all along the Iraqi border. As many of you have now read, it took 3 separate Russian AF sorties to finally put an end to the murderous designs of the criminal rat in the White House. Moreover, it appears the Russians were in direct contact with American military liaisons all throughout that episode. Luckily, our army trounced the rodents and recovered all lost territory on Jabal Al-Tharda.
Yesterday, as evidence mounted that the United States was up to its old, and tired, tricks, the Russian Navy was ordered to take action and pulverize a command-and-control center near Mt. Sam’aan. The Russian cruiser fired 3 Kaliber cruise missiles at the target and very accurate reports indicate 30, or more, American, Zionist, British, Saudi and Turkish rodents were fried inside their little cave. I mean fried. The U.S. and its confederates are trying to pick up every last finger they can find to send back so the families of these rats can beat their breasts over some charred digit with a fingernail on it.
Poster Comment:
Canthama On the convoy subject, here goes more info, Russia is now calling the US bluff on it, calling for an independent investigation, that we all know will lead back to the very same US backed terrorists that we all know about, the US image will be once more badly damaged again, lies after lies, the day is approaching where the US regime will be no more.
http://theduran.com/sergey-lavrov-calls-americas-bluff-russia-wants-full-impartial-investigation-aleppo-un-convoy-attack/ Likes(28)
karlof1 The report of the caliber cruise missile attack supposedly was first published by Sputnik Arabic, but no secondary publication citing it has provided a link. I went and looked but could not find anything. No matter how much I’d like to believe that the story is true, I’m an objectivist at heart and require extraordinary proof for extraordinary proclamations. To believe otherwise is to think that the SOHR is a reliable source or that the White Helmets aren’t disguised terrorists.
What follows is an analysis by PaveWayIV regarding the original plan to establish a “Sunnistan” on the territories of Syraq that’s very helpful in understanding the Outlaw US Empire’s strategy:
“It’s always interesting to see the history of the ways people envisioned re-carving up Iraq and Syria. Before the most recently-abandoned scheme with a contiguous Rojava Kurdistan and before the DIA-envisioned east Syrian/West Iraqi Sunnistan, the neocons had a much more insidious scheme. I tend to see all current DIA/Bolton-type Sunnistans as deformed children of their original Franken-sunnistan
“Sunnistan was originally envisioned something like this [link to article showing map, http://www.imolaoggi.it/2015/11/27/isis-e-la-creazione-del-sunnistan/ ] in the mid 2000’s when the U.S. was bailing out of Iraq leaving the failed state and self-destructing government specifically created by the CIA for that purpose. These old Sunnistan maps are particularly evil in that hedgemonic kind-of-way considering
“1. The neocons already conceived a partitioned Syria well before the U.S. manufactured the civil war there. Sunnistan wasn’t conceived in 2011 but a decade earlier.
“2.Clearly shows the land theft and puppet Sunni state required for the ambitious Qatari pipeline scheme.
“3. Shows the destruction and ethnic cleansing of the Syrian Kurd’s Afrin [Efrin] canton, which would disappear to make way for the new Sunnistan
“4. Perhaps not so clear in this little map, but the neocon’s psychopathic plans called for Latakia (and in some versions even Tartus) to be part of the new Sunnistan. There would be no land theft from Turkey’s Hatay province for this Sunnistan’s Mediterranean port. That land would come from the former Syria. Assad must go because the Alawites must be subjugated or ethnically cleansed to make way for Sunnistan’s port.
“5. Prior to the neocons screwing up the Iraqi land theft/partition, you’ll notice that Sunnistan also included Basra city and the al Basra Oil Terminal giving it Persian Gulf access.
“6. With the Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea swath, all the Gulf countries would have had a contiguous and direct oil and gas pipeline route to European markets. What do you think that would have been worth to the oil monarchies? How hard do you think it would have been for Cheney/Bush/Neocons to sell the Shia-dividing corridor to them?
“7. What do you think it would have been worth to Israel to have Lebanon and the Hezbollah cut off from Iran like this by such a Sunnistan? No Hezbollah, and Israel gets all those mountains and fresh water it needs that those selfish Lebanese won’t just give them back, because you see it was Israels a billion years or so ago. They have maps!
“8. What do you think it would have been worth to Israel to have oil and gas pipelines running from Basra through Jordan an on to Haifa? Not only would this ensure Israel’s petroleum security for a long time, but they would have made a killing on export out of Haifa. This was way before they knew about the Leviathan gas and the fake Golan oil. Saddam’s Iraq refused to sell Israel a drop of oil, but a U.S.-puppet Sunnistan would have sold them all they wanted.
“9. Kurdistan was always envisioned as Greater Barzanistan. There would have been no Rojava. Barzani would have ruled Kurdistan and all its oil. Syrian Kurdistan was an unexpected and unwanted development that had to be dealt with in the last few years, but the original old-school neocon Sunnistan would have taken the entire western half of Rojava and thrown the eastern leftovers to Barzani.
“10. The ISIS scheme (I would insist) all along was meant to serve as the land-squatting head-choppers on the west side of the Euphrates all the way from the Persian Gulf to Turkey. They would be overthrown (when the time was right) by U.S./Western/Gulf-backed moderate head-choppers to cement the borders for the new puppet Sunnistan.
“I can’t help but see all the ISIS-steering (and intelligence provided to them) to serve some evolution of this old-school Sunnistan while trying to focus our FSA mercenary army on overthrowing Assad. The earlier efforts in Anbar/Iraq partitioning are a complete failure, so that part of the project is screwed up. Between the Turkish Corridor, Rojava and the slice of southeastern Syria they still have for Sunnistan v.4.0 (I’m sure they have a v.5 and 6 contingency Sunnistans in reserve).”
Since the Neocons are Zionists at heart, they will never abandon their project until forced to. And since their goal is total domination of the planet, ending their project will take great energy, patience, will, and courage. Likes(7)Dislikes(6)
Tatarewicz ” no secondary publication citing it has provided a link. ”
Much of the media is controlled by friends of Israel which would not want exposed the treachery it is forcing its captive allies to commit so it’s a “don’t touch” issue with most of the media hounds who know when and when not to bark.
I really wish he’d crosspost his stuff here, but apparently PaveWayIV’s a busy man and posts mostly to Moon of Alabama. Here he provides the evidence proving the convoy hit was done by a drone armed with a Hellfire missile:
“There are several variations of the Hellfire missile fired from U.S. drones like the Predator. As evidenced by vidoes of Hellfire strikes beginning with the Iraqi war, one very popular flavor seems to be the AGM-114N variant. It contains a pretty energetic PBX-112 explosive charge surrounded by a layer of metal particles. Fine-mesh fluorinated aluminum in case you were curious. Without getting into the physics of it all, I’ll just say that this design came out of research to produce a ‘better’ fuel-air explosive.
“The Metal-Augmented Charge (MAC) Hellfire AGM-114N belongs to the thermobaric category of weapons – ones designed to kill/destroy by an extended blast overpressure wave rather than conventional explosive’s overpressure spike. A secondary effect of a MAC/thermobaric weapon’s hotter, longer-duration blast wave is that it’s more likely to set things on fire than a conventional explosive. Not as much as a incendiary-purpose weapon, but more so than conventional explosives.
“Isn’t killing people efficiently by more clever designs fascinating? It is to Lockheed-Martin shareholders, but I digress. At any rate, plenty of info out there on the AGM-114N and theromobarics if you’re interested.
“Now, the MAC-enhanced blast of the U.S. Hellfire missiles produces an interesting visual effect at night. After the decay of an intensely-bright and well-consolidated blast flash, you can see what look like little sparkles at the edge of the receding explosion. The sparkles are residue of the burnt fluorinated aluminum that undergo a secondary burning, of sorts. It’s very distinctive once you notice it. The Russians have thermobaric bombs as well, but they are of a different design and the blast usually looks different – non-existent sparkles because of a micronized metal powder, or long-duration sparkles on very large charges for whatever reason. “So (sorry, TL:DR already) I notice that many of the MSM-replays of the supposed rebel convoy attack video was edited in a particular way to mask what is plainly (to me) a MAC blast. The BBC reports are a good example. Their version is enlarged, shaky and blurry consistent with the poor head-chopper production standards. But it is an edited version of the much clearer original video. ABC must have produced their report before the censorship memo went out. If you look at only the first second of this ABC video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQnKEhHb4Iw and try to pause it during the blast, you can see a few frames with the visual effect I’m talking about. “So what am I yammering about that has any relevance here? This: If this video was shown to me outside the context of the convoy attack, I would guess it was a Hellfire strike somewhere. Now we hear from Russia that a Predator drone (typically Hellfire-armed) was loitering around the ‘bombed convoy’ area immediately before and after the attack. An attack that produced no crater (typical of the air-blast of a thermobaric Hellfire) and numerous fires (also more likely from a thermobaric Hellfire). Then I see the curiously-edited video on most MSM seemingly intended to obscure the signature blast of a thermobaric Hellfire. [adjusts tin-foil hat] I think you know where I’m going here.
“Just to set the stage for the next chapter of lies, CENTCOM or the U.S. DoD will undoubtedly deny that a U.S. drone attacked the convoy (not that any journalist will bother asking). AS we saw in the SAA/Deir EzZor attack though, it’s not necessarily a U.S. aircraft. The U.S. can deny responsibility if needed because 1) any of a number of ‘coalition partners’ have Hellfire-armed Predators violating Syrian airspace every day, and 2) all Predators of coalition partners are not necessarily under the command of their military or the CJTF-OIR coalition. The CIA, for instance, has plenty of armed drones in the Middle East. Not that these potential loopholes will be needed or used – the U.S. isn’t bashful about flinging outright lies when convenient and difficult to disprove.”