4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War

November 29, 2015 in News by RBN Staff

Fake TV IllusionDylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

As we inch further into the future and evermore closer to the next, and certainly last, world war, it seems proper to give pause and consider the significance of the fact that much of the information provided on world events is dreadfully compromised by corporate and political propagandists.

Mainstream media, with its exceptional reach, is able to mold the public’s first impression of any global event thereby establishing the ‘official story,’ the one that is repeated again and again during the first moments of a crisis. They capitalize on the immediate shock value of an act of extraordinary violence or unrest to mold public perception into conformity with a narrative that will become the abiding fiction by which any further substantive investigation of the event must be measured against.

9/11 is perhaps the best example of this, as nearly 15 years afterwards, an incredible amount of information and research has become available the public, at least enough to unseat the official version of events and inspire a deeper investigation, yet contrary reporting is still not taken seriously at all by mainline media outlets.

“The news is all about artificially manipulating the context of stories. The thinner the context, the thinner the mind must become to accept it. If you want to visualize this, imagine a rectangular solid. The news covers the top surface. Therefore, the mind is trained to work in only two dimensions. Then it can’t fathom depth, and it certainly can’t appreciate the fact that the whole rectangular solid moves through time, the fourth dimension.” –Jon Rappoport

Sometimes the media gets caught fabricating events and twisting reality. Here’s a disturbing look at some of the more recent examples of mainstream media news deceptions, staged events and psy-ops that have been exposed by the international independent press.

Example #1 –  BBC stages a chemical weapons attack in Syria to justify NATO invasion. 

With BBC reporter Ian Pannell standing amidst a host of crisis victims while on the scene at a small rural hospital in Syria, a supposed incendiary bomb or napalm attack happened, and as they were filming and a stream of wounded patients began pouring in. A doctor was interviewed on the scene, remarking that a napalm attack had occurred.

One month later as the NATO pressed for military intervention in Syria, the exact same footage was used in a new video report, however, the audio of a crisis doctors statement had been digitally altered. The word ‘napalm,’ had beeb changed to ‘chemical weapons,’ an obvious deception.

This video ‘…shows both versions are identical and from the same speech. The BBC then digitally altered the words from ‘napalm’ to ‘chemical weapon,’ the exact justification that NATO was finding difficult to prove.” [Source]

Watch the analysis of this totally fabricated event for yourself here:


READ: Every Television Newscast: Staged Reality

Example #2 – Staged ISIS execution videos and terror stooges.

In 2014, as the Western supplied mercenary army ISIS was rising to its prominance as the CIA’s most evil proxy army to date, a series of frightening videos emerged of ISIS executioners with heavy British accents sawing the heads off of Western hostages, including freelance journalist James Foley.

James Foley video

ISIS Staged Foley execution

Graphic videos of the slayings were posted online and shortly afterward, another video emerged online purportedly showing the movie set where the Foley beheading was fabricated. The authenticity of this video is also unverifiable, however, even technical elements in the original video suggest manipulation, and some experts agree that the Foley video is staged.

As reported by The Telegraph UK:

“…a study of the four-minute 40-second clip, carried out by an international forensic science company which has worked for police forces across Britain, suggested camera trickery and slick post-production techniques appear to have been used.”

The executioner was later identified by intelligence agencies as 23 year-old British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, and like Osama bin Laden, he became a resuable icon in the propaganda campaign in the war on terror. For his media appearances he was given a catchy name, ‘Jihadi John.’ When Jihadi John’s mileage ran out, he was literally ‘evaporated’ by a night time drone strike in Raqqa, Syria. His death, like Bin Laden’s, was celebrated by many. Another brick in the wall.

He walked out of a building and got in the car. We struck it right after with zero collateral damage,’ a counter-terrorism official said. ‘The vehicle was on fire. It was a 100 per cent flawless, direct hit.’ [Source]

Jihadi John before being 'evaporated' by a drone strike.

Jihadi John Assasination

If you recall, in the early days of the war on terror, the faces Al Qaeda’s top lieutenants were plastered on decks of playing cards, serving the same purpose as Jihadi John; terror stooges assassinated as needed to maintain public interest in the war on terror.

Al Qaeda Palying Cards

READ: 6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism

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