50 Years of Israeli Occupation Harshness

June 6, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

Israel’s Six Day War of aggression began on June 5, 1967 – occupying the remaining 22% of historic Palestine not seized in 1948.
Image result for israeli occupation
Instead of denouncing Israeli persecution of Palestinians throughout its odious history, the US Senate shamed itself – unanimously recognizing the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification, claiming “a continuous Jewish presence (in the city) for 3 millennia.”
It expressed uncompromising support for Israel, highlighting the importance of strengthening longstanding bilateral ties.
It reaffirmed the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act, recognizing Jerusalem as “the capital of the State of Israel.”
It ignored decades of Israeli high crimes, its ruthlessness, its persecution of defenseless Palestinians.
June 5 was Naksa Day, the “setback,” the day Israel stole remaining parts of historic Palestine, displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Syrians.
Commenting on the 50th anniversary of the war and occupation, PLO executive committee member Hanan Ashrawi said it began a half century of “oppression, injustice and captivity of an entire people.”
Today Palestinians are left with less than one-fifth of the land they had in 1967. Israel took the rest, continuing to steal more.
Around 650,000 settlers illegally occupy what’s not theirs – in flagrant violation of international law, some “among the most radical and violent elements of Israeli society,” Ashwari explained.
Israel’s current coalition regime is its most ruthlessly criminal in the history of the state – what’s going on in East Jerusalem one of many examples.
Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed, their residency IDs confiscated, their homes demolished, their safety jeopardized if they resist for their rights.
According to Ashwari, the “Palestinian presence in Jerusalem is being systematically erased.” Gaza is an open-air concentration camp under siege for its two million residents, slowly suffocating, humanitarian crisis conditions increasingly intolerable – the world community silent, indifferent to their suffering.
Israel maintains iron-fisted control over historic Palestine – the land, resources, especially water, borders, airspace, and offshore waters.
West Bank and East Jerusalem Palestinian communities are increasingly shrinking, isolated from each other.
Resistance is costly. Harsh punishment follows, including intimidation, daily arrests, detentions, and cold-blooded murder – young children and women treated as brutally as youths and adult men.
“Palestinians desire peace,” Ashwari stressed. It’s unattainable under occupation, impossible as long as fundamental Palestinian rights are denied.
The sham peace process is dead-on-arrival each time initiated because Israel and Washington want continued conflict and instability.
Claiming otherwise is part of the hoax, the longest in modern times, no prospect whatever for responsible change – why BDS activism and other forms of resistance are crucial.
Hoped for liberation depends on it. Negotiating with Israel and Washington is a waste of time and energy, accomplishing nothing every time tried.
Palestinians are on their own. Resisting tyranny is a universal right, ongoing for nearly 70 years, half a century under oppressive occupation, colonialism and apartheid worse than South Africa’s – flagrant breaches of international law.
We’re all Palestinians! Their struggle is ours!
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.