A Constitutional Representative Republic
January 20, 2025 in News by RBN Staff
source: newswithviews
By Lex Greene
January 19, 2025
Sadly, there are whole generations in the USA who have zero connection to the foundations of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Thanks to anti-American federal control over education in the USA, especially the college campuses, resulting in generational mass indoctrination instead of education, America is nearing a point in history when society itself will destroy those foundations for all posterity, by “democratic” process.
A majority of Americans believe that the U.S. Constitution created a “democracy.” That’s what politicians, academia and the news media have been telling them for decades now. They believe that Democrats are “pro-democracy,” and Republicans are “anti-democracy” and even “pro-fascism.”
Because they believe in these obvious falsehoods, they are doomed to destroy their own freedom and liberty soon, by voting the USA out of freedom and liberty, and into bondage.
The U.S. Constitution created a Constitutional Representative Republic, not a “democracy.” This distinction is critical to the future of freedom.
The world has many nations, and only a few different types of government, from Monarchies to democracies, republics and dictatorships. Most are labeled as forms of democracy, even though there is nothing “democratic” about those governments at all.
The People’s Republic of China is listed as a “democracy,” even though the country has existed under brutal communist rule for decades. Russia is technically a “democracy,” also referred to as a “republic.” England lists itself as another form of “democracy,” a republic which is in reality a “Constitutional Monarchy.”
Unique in the world is the United States, a Constitutional Representative Republic. It is the only government of its kind in the entire world. It is a form of “democratic society” only in that the government is required to be of, by and for the people, via democratically elected representation. But it is not a “democracy,” never was, and never should be, for what should be obvious reasons.
All three words are critical to the USA form of “self-governance.” The USA doesn’t have Kings or Queens, an unelected oligarchy or unbridled dictator. It has a system of “self-governance” unlike any other nation on earth, so long as the people protect and preserve it for all future generations.
How many times have you heard someone use the term “constitutional rights?” There’s actually no such thing. The U.S. Constitution is not a document enumerating the many “natural Rights” of the people, far too numerous to ever number. It’s a document assigning certain limited rights, powers, authorities and duties to the Federal government on behalf of the member States and the People.
The only power and authority that belongs to the Federal government are those assigned to that three-branch body in the Constitution.
The Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the People’s rights either. It’s a list of additional restrictions placed upon the Federal government, specifically prohibiting the Federal government from power or authority over certain natural rights of the People, such as a right of free speech, free religious expression, and a right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms. These are not “constitutional rights,” they are all “natural rights” of a free People.
The Federal government is under strict control of these two documents, even though that body has spent more than a hundred years in violation of both. This is only possible when the People fail to be forever vigilant in the defense of their own freedom and liberty.
Any authority not granted to the Federal government via these two documents, is “unconstitutional.”
The Federal government must be representative of the will of the People. The three branches have limited specific constitutional authority unique to each branch. But each branch must serve the will of the People, within the constraints established in the Constitution, void of any actions prohibited by the Bill of Rights.
Only one Federal branch has the constitutional authority to create “law,” the Legislative Branch, or Congress. But even Congress is prohibited from creating any law which is repugnant to the Constitution.
The Executive Branch and Judicial Branch possess no constitutional lawmaking authority whatsoever. When either of these two branches attempts to create “law,” either via court opinion, or Executive Order, it is “unconstitutional” and without the consent of the People. Constitutionally speaking, such acts have no force of law.
However, “silence” is always regarded as “consent.” Until the member States, or the People object, the Federal government assumes unbridled authority and power over the States and the People, as if the 9th and 10th Amendments no longer exist.
Amendment IX
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
In other words, only the rights assigned to the Federal government, and not prohibited in the Bill of Rights, belong to the Federal government. All else remains the power and authority of the People.
Amendment X
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Likewise, if the member States did not assign a specific power to the Federal government in the Constitution, or prohibited such powers in the Bill of Rights, then that power does not belong to the Federal government.
Any action by the Federal government which is not in the best interest or general welfare of all free People of the United States, is prohibited by our Founding documents.
The Federal government in the United States was created and authorized by the U.S. Constitution and restricted by the Bill of Rights. The Federal government was brought into existence by the adoption of the Constitution. In order to gain the necessary votes from the original colonies to ratify the Constitution in 1787, the framers had to agree to complete the first Ten Amendments referred to as our Bill of Rights, adopted in 1789, or the Constitution would never have been adopted by the colonies, and our Federal government would have never been created at all.
The point of it all was to make every possible effort to secure for all posterity, freedom and liberty for all Americans. The goal was to establish a form of self-governance that would preserve the natural Rights of the people over time, preventing the newly formed government from ever possessing the power to become destructive of its sole purpose.
- to form a more perfect Union,
- establish Justice,
- insure domestic Tranquility,
- provide for the common defense,
- promote the general Welfare,
- and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
As noted repeatedly by the framers many writings, they openly rejected a “democracy” and chose to guarantee every Citizen and every member State “a Republican Form of Government” instead, as codified in Article IV – Section IV of the U.S. Constitution.
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”
It is on this basis alone that our Constitution was adopted, and our Federal government was created. Without the adoption of this document and strict adherence to it, the Federal government has no right to exist at all.
The government was divided up into three distinct branches with three separate distinct powers, a “lawmaking branch” in Congress, the “Constitutional enforcement branch,” the Judiciary, and the “Administrative Branch,” the Presidency.
The distinction between a “democracy” and “a Republican Form of Government” is easily explained and critical to the future of freedom and liberty in the United States.
Simply stated, a “democracy” is rule by a simple majority. 50.1% of the People would be free to run roughshod over the other 49.9% of the people by simply outvoting them on every issue. Our Founders correctly referred to a “democracy” as nothing more than “mob rule.” The ability of a simple majority to rule over a simple minority. This form of government, while “representative” of 50.1% of the People, is not representative of the other 49.9% of the People. In fact, it’s a form of tyranny by a simple majority.
Imagine the reality of a true “democracy” this way…
- If a nationwide vote was taken today regarding the right to abortion, abortion would be illegal throughout the USA so long as 50.1% of voters voted to outlaw it.
- If a nationwide vote was taken today on LGBTQ rights, there would be no special LGBTQ rights if 50.1% of the people voted to outlaw them.
This is how “democracy” works. But it isn’t how a “Constitutional Representative Republic” works.
First, this form of government requires all government actions to be representative of all Americans, not just special interest groups with the larger majority, or a loud minority group. Second, the actions of government are limited to only those actions which are a) authorized by the Constitution; b) taken via constitutional means; and c) are in no way repugnant to the Constitution or in violation of the Bill of Rights.
A “Republican Form of Government” is limited to powers that serve the People as a whole, without any favoritism, “representative” of the will of the People in continuation of the stated purposes of the Federal government and restricted to the authorities granted each Branch and the Constitution, and not in violation of the additional restrictions on government enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
In a Constitutional Representative Republic, the will of the majority must be respected. However, unlike a “democracy,” the will of the majority has no right to infringe upon the same natural rights of the minority.
Whether a Citizen is in the majority or minority, the Constitution and Bill of Rights prevent the government from any actions that infringe upon the natural rights of any Citizen. 50.1% of the people have no right to run roughshod over the other 49.9%. In fact, even 90% of the people have no right to control the other 10%… Every Citizen has an equal right to the same rights, inherent in the Laws of Nature and inalienable by any governmental body.
All Citizens are protected equally in a Constitutional Representative Republic.
If every American understood this, our country would not be politically divided today. A “free people” are born with the blessings of “free will.” No matter your personal preferences in life, so long as you do not infringe upon the same individual rights of others, no one, no government, has the right to infringe upon your individual natural rights.
A Constitutional Representative Republic is designed to protect the individual natural rights of all Citizens. Anything less is not freedom, liberty, justice or within the confines of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This is something every American Citizen should be able to unify around. If you can’t, then it isn’t freedom you seek…
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E-Mail Lex Greene: LexGreene24@gmail.com