A Federal Court Case to End Water Fluoridation is Underway – But No Media Coverage

June 17, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff

Source:  needtoknownews

Dr. Paul Connet of the Fluoride Action Network is suing the EPA over adding toxic fluoride to the drinking water of 200-million Americans and says that it is a deliberate addition of a substance that damages the brain. Children and the fetuses in pregnant women are especially susceptible to brain damage. Due to the COVID lockdown, the case is being litigated remotely on Zoom, and people can tune in and watch it this week. Dr. Connet’s evidence includes an analysis that found a strong relationship between high levels of fluoride and lower IQ and this effect will occur from drinking only one glass of fluoride-treated water per day. The toxic effects of fluoride are similar to lead. The trial is open to the public to watch on the Internet. [See link below.] -GEG

Link & Times To Watch The Trial Live:    

TSCA Trial Press Kit

Today, June 17, is the last day of the trial. The trial will begin at 8:30 am (West Coast) 11:30 am (East Coast) The direct link to watch the trial is: https://cand-uscourts.zoomgov.com/j/1607275798?pwd=UTZiNE1lbDE1MXdiYThNNEFtaklFQT09 Meeting ID: 160 727 5798 Password: 670801 The call in information for audio only if you choose not to use Zoom: Dial by … Continue readingTSCA Trial Press Kit