Abortion Is the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide. 43 Million Killed in 2021.

January 5, 2022 in News by RBN Staff

source:  needtoknownews

By December 31, 2021, there were 42.6 million abortions performed in the course of the year. By comparison, worldwide deaths from coronavirus in 2021 were reported to be 3.5 million, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS, 1.3 million from traffic fatalities, and 1 million from suicide. The 15 countries with the highest rate of abortions are Russia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Belarus, Romania, Ukraine, Latvia, Cuba, China, Hungary, Mongolia, Seychelles, Bulgaria, and the United States.

Abortion was the leading cause of death globally in 2021, with nearly 43 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.

As of noon on December 31, 2021, there were 42.6 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS, 1.3 million from traffic fatalities, and 1 million from suicide.

Totaling all the deaths in the world from causes other than abortion reveals a figure of 58.7 million, meaning that abortions accounted for just over 42 percent of all human deaths in 2021.

By comparison, worldwide deaths from coronavirus in 2021 totaled around 3.5 million, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Read full article here…

World Population Review:   https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/abortion-rates-by-country

World Blaze (2017):    https://www.worldblaze.in/countries-with-highest-abortion-rates/