Additional Articles By News With Views Cops Claim Progressive Activists More Dangerous Than Islamists And MS-13
June 26, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
“A growing number of American citizens are wondering if so-called progressives in the Democratic Party are more dangerous to the nation than radicalized Muslims or the bloodthirsty gang members of the infamous MS-13.” – Terry Saunders, NYPD-Ret.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, the House Whip, and several others were shot at a baseball practice Wednesday morning at a recreational facility in Alexandria, Virginia. The Republicans were practicing for an upcoming charity congressional baseball game. There were no democrats present, they had practiced earlier in the morning.
A man was seen wandering around and he had asked Rep. Ron DeSantis, “Are you Democrats or Republicans?” When DeSantis replied, “Republicans,” the suspect walked away and then returned as he began blasting.
Scalise was shot in the hip and underwent surgery. He is listed in stable condition, his office said. Representative Roger Williams and Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, were also victims, but expected to fully recover. Mika was there as a coach since he was a former baseball player.
The shooter, described as a middle-aged white male with dark hair, was taken to a local hospital where he died from his gunshot wounds. His actions were described by police officers as a premeditated attack on unarmed civilians. The suspect was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill., according to members of the Capitol Police Department.
This politically-motivated attack was merely the latest in a series of violence-prone attacks on President Donald Trump and Republican politicians and activists by those calling for Trump’s removal from office.
The Liberal-Left Conspiracy?
* A Bernie Sanders for President campaign worker — 66-year-old James Hodgkinson — was killed by Capitol Police officers after the Democrat opened fire on House Republican Whip Congressman Steve Scalise, and wounding others.
* Last week, Shakespeare In The Park simulated the violent stabbing death of President Trump in the play ‘Julius Caesar’. Caesar and his wife looked much like Trump and his former fashion model wife.
- Third-rate comic Kathy Griffin posed with a bloody severed head which was supposed to be that of President Trump.
“What’s even more disturbing is the news media pretending to be shocked over the shooting of Rep. Scalise and others, while they trot out their usual Democratic Party hacks such as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and other Democratic talking heads. These are the same people along with Hillary Clinton who have urged their leftist followers to “resist” the Trump administration no matter what the cost,” warned former NYPD police detective Mike Snipes.
Snipes says this latest round of Democratic Party-sponsored violence began when the Obama administration bashed and condemned police officers when they used deadly force on minority suspects. A number of law enforcement officers were killed as a result of the cop-bashing.
It doesn’t take a giant leap for devotees of Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders to transition their suggestive violent messages from police officers to conservative officeholders.
New Jersey Democratic Strategist Defends Killing Republicans
“The GOP must realize that there is a violently hateful streak that’s reaching epidemic proportions within today’s Democratic Party. And their leaders are encouraging it.” – Former Police Counter-Terrorism Unit Member Bettina Lawrence-Tidwell
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, and several others were shot during a baseball practice on Wednesday morning at a recreational facility in Alexandria, Virginia. The Republicans were practicing for an upcoming charity congressional baseball game. There were no democrats present at that time since they had practiced earlier in the morning.
After the shooter — a former Bernie Sanders campaign worker named James T. Hodgkinson — left Rep. Scalise in critical condition and wounded four others including two police officers, a New Jersey Democratic political strategist responded by introducing the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen to his Twitter account: “We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.”
“Devine is the kind of political activist Marx had in mind when he advised: ‘Accuse others of what you do.’ In the Democrats case, they have the full support and help of the majority of news people,” said former police officer and security director Walter Piedmont. “They accused Tea Party demonstrators of being violent when there is no violence while the leftist Democrats actually embrace the use of violence and vitriol,” Piedmont added.
The vitriolic Devine has pursued public office and has been a consultant for numerous New Jersey Democratic campaigns. He also worked in the offices of New Jersey lawmakers.
Devine said on one of his posts: “If you want to invite a class war, then you have to expect people to fight back at some point.”
He also wrote on Facebook that he felt “little sympathy” for Scalise because he doesn’t support gun control and is liked by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other Second Amendment supporters.
Besides Republicans, who have not displayed much outrage, there were some New Jersey Democrats who criticized Devine and told reporters that they did not endorse violence.
Devine has refused to apologize and has continued using the hashtags calling for violent action against Republican officeholders and their supporters.
“I am sorry if my #HuntRepublicanCongressmen hashtag hurt the feelings of any GOP snowflakes but you have not engaged in civil discourse,” Devine said on Twitter late Thursday afternoon.
But the Democratic Party rebel-rouser is not as squeaky-clean as he pretends. For example, in 2014 Devine was convicted for shoplifting lettuce, protein powder and hair conditioner.
And the following year, New Jersey election officials charged Devine with almost two-dozen separate election-law violations. The Election Law Enforcement Commission claimed he never reported nearly $79,000 in contributions and more than $70,000 in expenditures involving his Central Jersey Democratic Leadership Committee.
“What’s even more disturbing is the news media pretending to be shocked over the shooting of Rep. Scalise and others, while they trot out their usual Democratic Party hacks such as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and other Democratic talking heads. These are the same people along with Hillary Clinton who have urged their leftist followers to “resist” the Trump administration no matter what the cost,” warned former NYPD police detective Mike Snipes.
Snipes says this latest round of Democratic Party-sponsored violence began when the Obama administration bashed and condemned police officers when they used deadly force on minority suspects. A number of law enforcement officers were killed as a result of the cop-bashing.
It not a giant leap for devotees to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders to transition their violent messages from police to conservative officeholders.
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