“Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 1

January 13, 2025 in News by RBN Staff

source:  newswithviews

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

Dec. 30, 2024

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  ― Mark Twain

So-called “anchor babies” are illegal aliens just like the mother if she crossed our border ILLEGALLY.  They are NOT automatically granted U.S. citizenship if birth occurs on U.S. soil despite the rank stupidity of those out there who blast just the opposite.

ICE Deports Mother and Four Children, Including U.S. Citizen Newborn Twins, to Mexico, Dec. 22, 2024: “Cristina Salazar, a 23-year-old mother of four, was arrested along with her children during what was supposed to be a routine meeting to discuss her case, KHOU reported.

“Her husband, Federico Arellano Jr., a U.S. citizen, described the heartbreaking scene as his children cried and were forcibly separated from him. Salazar’s attorneys argued the missed hearing was a “technical violation” that should have been easily resolved.”

It appears the father is a U.S. citizen who married a Mexican citizen which makes all of their children illegal aliens because they entered the U.S. illegally (unless the father had the other two children by a woman who is a U.S. citizen but that isn’t mentioned in any of the articles).  Our courts are so over flowing dealing with illegal aliens – regardless of their home country – at OUR expense, more judges had to be hired years ago just to hear cases filed by illegals with the help of licensed attorneys here in the U.S. who don’t give a damn about our immigration laws.  Paid for by YOUR labor.

I’m sorry for their situation but they brought it on themselves knowing Mrs. Arellano was a citizen of Mexico, not the U.S. and violating OUR immigration laws.  Hell, 93% of asylum cases are thrown out and rightly so; off you go back to your home country.

Members of the Democrat/Communist Party USA, voters and elected officials, all have their panties in a wad about separating illegal minor alien children from the parent(s).  Their biased attorneys all try to use the Fourteenth Amendment as proof that an illegal mother who gives birth on U.S. soil, that baby is automatically a U.S. citizen.  Wrong.

Flashback, August 24, 2014 (Mine)

Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare’ “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.” – Senator Dirty Harry Reid, Democratic/Communist Party USA. “He also said that the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens. August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country…

“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

I have been very vocal about for this for decades: States Must Fight Legal Fiction Called Anchor Babies. Judge Jeanine ‘Illegally Entering U.S. Is Not a Right to Citizenship‘ – She is on point and says it like it is: “I draw but one conclusion: Barack Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation.” Illegals tell filmmakers: we were told to vote democrat, or be deported: “Livingston wrote that, prior to the 2012 presidential election, “the illegals were handed voter registrations and told they would be sent to states with NO ID check for voting.”

Continuing:  “His statements were to announce a bill he introduced back (1993) then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the welfare train (in the trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out). One section I want to highlight this from the bill:



“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

The important words in the Fourteenth Amendment:

“….any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

Article 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.  No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Illegal aliens “reside” illegally on U.S. soil.  They were not invited here legally.

The quoted research below is from Leo Donofrio. For those not familiar with his name, Leo is the attorney out in NJ who filed the first challenge to get Juan McCain and Barry Barack Soetoro Obama off the ballot in 2008.

“Dr. John Fonte, Senior Fellow of The Hudson Institute had this to say about the issue at a Congressional hearing on dual citizenship from September 29, 2005:

“The authors in the legislative history, the authors of that language, Senator Lyman Trumbull said, “When we talk about ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ it means complete jurisdiction, not owing allegiance to anybody else.” Senator Jacob Howard said that it’s “a full and complete jurisdiction.”

“This illustrates that Congress recently discussed the issue, and they can’t claim they were unaware. But we don’t have to take Dr. Fonte’s word for it. The following discussion by the various 14th Amendment Framers took place on the Senate floor. I took it from P.A. Madison’s research at http://www.14thamendment.us (use his link for footnotes):

“It is clear the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had no intention of freely giving away American citizenship to just anyone simply because they may have been born on American soil. Again, we are fortunate enough to have on the record the highest authority tell us, Sen. Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee… and the one who inserted the phrase: “[T]he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ’subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.

“Then Madison quotes Sen. Howard, another Framer, concurring with Trumbull:

“Sen. Howard concurs with Trumbull’s construction:

“Mr. HOWARD: I concur entirely with the honorable Senator from Illinois [Trumbull], in holding that the word “jurisdiction,” as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, whether exercised by Congress, by the executive, or by the judicial department; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.[3]

“Mr. Madison continues with even more proof of what the 14th Amendment Framers meant:. “Sen. Johnson, speaking on the Senate floor, offers his comments and understanding of the proposed new amendment to the constitution:

“[Now], all this amendment [citizenship clause] provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power–for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us–shall be considered as citizens of the United States. That would seem to be not only a wise but a necessary provision. If there are to be citizens of the United States there should be some certain definition of what citizenship is, what has created the character of citizen as between himself and the United States, and the amendment says that citizenship may depend upon birth, and I know of no better way to give rise to citizenship than the fact of birth within the territory of the United States, born to parents who at the time were subject to the authority of the United States.[4]

And: “No doubt in the Senate as to what the citizenship clause means as further evidenced by Sen. W. Williams:

“In one sense, all persons born within the geographical limits of the United States are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States…All persons living within a judicial district may be said, in one sense, to be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in that district, but they are not in every sense subject to the jurisdiction of the court until they are brought, by proper process, within the reach of the power of the court. I understand the words here, ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ to mean fully and completely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.[5]

“Madison saves for last the greatest authority on the issue: “Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the Fourteenth Amendment, confirms the understanding and construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

“[I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…[6]

“It’s important to note this statement was issued by Bingham only months before the 14th Amendment was proposed.” End of excerpt.

The 14th Amendment

“This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth (14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of majority, facilitate bringing their extended family* into the US in order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be sufficient and is urgently warranted.”

READ the sections on the left side and watch the short video.  I have been writing about stopping this anchor baby scam for two decades.  In 2014, I wrote a column:  STOP ALL WELFARE, STATE, FEDERAL, CITY, COUNTY – and you’ll see MILLIONS self-deport.  I’ve written to dozens of GOP Rep and Senators since, the last one, Rep. Chip Roy {R-TX].  NOT A SINGLE RESPONSE.

After Trump was elected in 2016 and sworn in, I wrote to him and his most trusted senior WH adviser, Stephen Miller, an alleged leader of deporting illegals. Crickets – and remember:  Republicans held the majority in both the senate and house for 18 months, plenty of time to get this done.  Not a single reply from any of them to this day.  Of course, at the time, Trump was being bombarded by corrupt scum (Chuck Schumer, et al) with lawsuits, ugly media smears and every effort under the sun to stop building a wall. And since I’m a nobody without a famous name, I doubt my letters regarding stopping ALL welfare were simply thrown in the waste basket.

There is NO excuse why the GOP controlled Congress under Trump’s first term didn’t get the bill written, passed and signed by Trump. The invasion we’ve seen since usurper, career criminal president, Uncle Joe Biden, would never have happened.  How many Americans would still be alive today instead of murdered by illegal monsters?

Instead, to this day it’s nothing but crickets and more dead Americans; raped girls and women and crimes committed against OUR citizens.  And let’s not forget finding the missing 325,000 illegal alien children, most being used for human sex trafficking.  Homan and other groups have and will continue to try to find those innocents and send them back to their family to whatever country they came from.

Now, Trump’s border czar, Tom Homan, is going after the worst of the worst first: killers, gang members, thieves as soon as Trump is sworn into office.  No doubt meetings and intense planning has been going on for months about the biggest deportation in history.  Sanctuaries Freed 22,000 Criminal Aliens Sought by ICE Under Biden, Nov. 14, 2024, Combatting Illegal Immigration on the State and Local Level,  JUST IN: Federal Appeals Court Reverses Judge’s Ruling, Allows Texas Immigration Law That Allows Police to Arrest Illegals to Take Effect, March 4, 2024

Believe me, Homan is a bull dozer and has given warning to these POS mayors like Denver’s “woke” mayor, Michael Christopher Johnston; lunatic governor of California, Gavin Newsom and the liar who stole the governor’s race in AZ against Kari Lake, Kati Hobbs, for aiding, abetting and harboring illegals.  That _itch is a real piece of work.

The new incoming AG needs to file criminal charges against governors and mayors who interfere with ICE and deportations but only YOU can make that happen by rising our voices and demand these elite toilet scum they are not above the law. Indict and arrest just one mayor and governor and the rest of the rats will scramble.

About damn time:  Trump Advisor Warns 249 ‘Sanctuary City’ Officials That They Can Go to Prison for Interfering with Immigration Enforcement, Dec. 28, 2024

‘Sheer insanity’: Conservative watchdog puts ‘sanctuary’ officials on notice ahead of Trump deportation push, Dec. 23, 2024: “AFL’s notice letter to the 249 officials says that the federal government has ultimate authority over immigration, and points to clauses in federal law that prohibit state and local governments from restricting communications with DHS about immigration status, and that make concealing, harboring or shielding an illegal immigrant a federal crime.

“The group argues that sanctuary policies can therefore lead to criminal liability, and that victims of illegal immigrant crime may be able to sue for damages.

“We have identified your jurisdiction as a sanctuary jurisdiction that is violating federal law. Such lawlessness subjects you and your subordinates to significant risk of criminal and civil liability. Accordingly, we are sending this letter to put you on notice of this risk and insist that you comply with our nation’s laws,” the letter says.

“The group is also launching a new website that gives users a map of “sanctuary strongholds,” identifying jurisdictions with sanctuary policies and giving contact information for elected officials.”

A whole lot of sheriffs are just waiting for Trump to get sworn in and yes, they have their plans in place and the legal authority to enforce.  They are sick and tired of the crime imported into their cities and towns. The funerals, robberies, rapes and stealing jobs that belongs to Americans.

Blame the parents, not OUR laws

Homan’s response regarding “breaking up families”: “Here’s the issue,” Homan told the Post. “You knew you were in the country illegally and chose to have a child. So you put your family in that position.”

“He noted that it will be up to families to decide if they would prefer to be deported together or split up.” He got that one right. Illegal minors and that includes the phony DACA yarn spun by illegitimate, dirty, Marxist president, Hussein Obama. It is Not a law. Blame your parents for violating OUR immigration laws.

Instead of wailing over illegals being deported, think about the victims of their crimes and how this invasion is destroying OUR country.

Be sure to get the link to this column up on X, Instagram, MeWe and all the others plus your email list.  WE must control the narrative and truth.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@protonmail.com

Web site: devvy.com


UNPRECEDENTED: THE TRUMP EFFECT WORKING ON DEPORTATIONS NOW, Dec. 13, 2024.  Their new female president ducked:  JUST IN: The President of Mexico just said she is “ready to accept” illegally migrants deported by President Trump, Dec. 19, 2024.  Really?  I still will buy NOTHING from Mexico:  Mexico launching app for migrants in US, vows to defend citizens facing deportation, Dec, 28, 2024 –

“Mexico is developing an app that will allow migrants in the U.S. facing deportation to alert their family members and local U.S. consulates if they are about to be detained by authorities, a senior official said Friday. He added that his government plans to ensure that each Mexican citizen is given due process in the U.S. before being potentially ejected from the country.”

Their due process is to be treated humanely and then deported.  Period. 

New Texas DPS Mounted Border Team Tracks Down Migrant Got-Aways on Ranches, Dec. 7, 2024:  As Homan has said:  We’re coming for you and we WILL find you.

Another major blue city doubles down on vow to obstruct Trump’s mass deportations plan – Here’s a news flash: I wouldn’t visit or spend a penny in Boston. You want to play chicken? Think of all those tourist dollars blowing away in in the wind who are FED UP with this on-going invasion of OUR country.

State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law – A Unified Approach for Stopping Terrorists

Number of Migrants Crossing Darién Gap Headed to the U.S. Plummets After Trump Election, Dec. 12, 2024 (Quit using migrants. They are illegal aliens.)

Incoming Border Czar Tom Homan Says Trump Administration Will Investigate Foreign Countries and NGOs Behind Border Invasion, Nov. 30, 2024

*- Chain migration.  More leeches to steal from you to support them along with “free” health care which is sinking hospitals across this country in debt. Not to mention natural born and naturalized U.S. citizens have to wait weeks or months to see a doctor. Illegals come first and not a penny out of their pocket.

The Under-Registration of Births in Mexico: Consequences for Children, Adults, and Migrants: “More than 7 million people in Mexico currently lack a birth certificate, according to a recent statement by Carlos Anaya Montero of the National Registry of Population. Due to a lack of an official government-led study, nongovernmental organizations and demographers have estimated the unregistered population in Mexico — especially with respect to children — variously (and with some degree of uncertainty). The Child Rights Information Network, for example, has found that as many as 30 percent of children under the age of 5 are unregistered and practically invisible to the eyes of the Mexican government.”

No problem. Buy one on any street corner north of the Mexican border in California, AZ, NM or along some of the border towns in Texas.

Nearly 38,000 Chinese Illegals Still in U.S. Despite Deportation Orders, Dec. 12, 2024: “For instance, some 37,908 Chinese; 2,618 Iranian; 7,760 Pakistani; 1,708 Afghan; and 22,749 Venezuelan illegal aliens are still in the U.S. after having been found to have no legitimate asylum claims and thus ordered deported.

“House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) said President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have “hamstrung ICE’s ability to detain and remove those here illegally — even those who have been ordered to be removed by immigration judges.”

“Similarly, more than 32,000 Haitians, nearly 18,000 Indians, over 38,000 Brazilians, almost 4,000 Mauritanians, and nearly 1,000 Uzbeks are in the U.S. despite final deportation orders.

“The figures show that the overwhelming majority of the more than 1.4 million illegal aliens still in the U.S. but ordered deported are from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Close to a million of these ordered-deported illegal aliens are from these four countries.”  I haven’t purchased ONE melon, fruit or any vegetables since NAFTA was signed into law by serial adulterer, Billy Clinton in 1994. I simply do without. Their governments are greatly responsible for the mass invasion destroying our country for decades, not just Biden.