ANOTHER CRISIS IS LOOMING: Major Trucking Firms Prepare for “Imminent Diesel Shortage in Eastern Half of US” – Blame Emergency on Joe Biden

May 13, 2022 in News by RBN Staff

source:  gatewaypundit


By Jim Hoft
Published May 13, 2022 at 8:00am

Another Biden catastrophe.

Trucking firms are warning employees of an “imminent fuel shortage in the Eastern half of the US.”

Trucking insiders are blaming this shortage on Joe Biden’s move to divert US fuel to Europe so they can ween off Russian oil.

Like Joe Biden’s other reckless policies, this will create havoc here in the United States.

Zero Hedge reported:

Major trucking fleets across the eastern half of the US are preparing for an “imminent” diesel shortage, according to logistics firm FreightWaves.

Founder and CEO of FreightWaves Craig Fuller said “3 very large fleets” are preparing for diesel pumps at fuel stations to run dry. Drivers of these fleets received notifications about fuel shortages that could materialize in the coming weeks across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions.

The trucking fleets are blaming the shortage on Joe Biden’s latest action to divert US fuel to Europe so they can ween off Russian oil.

Another Biden blunder. Not only is diesel gas at its highest price ever, but now there are shortages in the eastern half of the US.

This crisis will affect everyone.