At Last! A Movement Has Been Launched to Stop Mandatory Vaccines
July 6, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: needtoknownews
Pam Popper, a well known naturopathic doctor in Ohio, is outraged over mandatory vaccines planned for every person in America before the end of 2020. She is through writing letters and sending petitions to those in power to urge them not to do it. Instead, she has set in motion a well conceived and entirely feasible plan to mobilize the vast majority of citizens who, so far, have stood in passive and fearful silence as their lives are being destroyed. If you are wondering what you will do when they send soldiers to your home to force you and your family to be injected with neurotoxic vaccines, her answer is: Don’t wait for that to happen. Become proactive. Start the push back now. Listen to this fifteen minute video and learn the details of her plan. -GEG