Attorney DiPerno Submits Prima Facie Evidence of Algorithmic Manipulation of Election Results in Michigan Counties

April 14, 2021 in News by RBN Staff


via emails:

By Jim Fuscaldo




Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Good morning in response to the following email a question was presented as to what is the SSDI data base noted in question one. Here is the answer:
The Social Security Death Index, commonly referred to as the SSDI, is a database containing the names and dates of birth and death for over 77 million Americans. This massive database is available in many online locations for free search.
Definitely, a resource for the clerks of the counties to clean up their voter registration files if voter registration data base cleansing is required by State Law at least every two years, and to be completed 6 months prior to the next scheduled federal election. The County clerks must submit an affidavit confirming said “cleansing” has been completed pursuant to State Law or county regulation. In the absence of a State Law, it seems to me the County boards, charged with local county administration and governance, should mandate auditing and cleansing of county voter registration files pursuant to the two year/6 months suggested time frame.
What say you honorable gentleman and ladies charged with managing the governance of the state and county?
Commentary of Monday’s Court Hearing:
Once again a court dismisses a search for the truth based on “illusionary procedural justifications”. A court
searching for the truth, based on the prima facie evidence already introduced, would have granted the plaintiffs leave to amend and/or limit their discovery request with the opportunity to expand said request on the collection of evidence that supplements and substantiates their prima facie evidence gathered from the forensic evidence presented to date. The judge appears to be giving cover to the legislature’s prior and incompetent hearing. Nothing to see here, and we certainly don’t want to know what did happen, because the “establishment’s” incompetence in legislative oversight, as compared to other states (Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire) would be disclosed. Just saying.
The Octogenarian Deplorable
aka Jim Fuscaldo

April 13, 2021 at 3:36 PM
Honorable Representatives and Senators. Thank you Representative Wentworth for your reply that was duplicative of your earlier reply albeit with an updated list of new Election Bills filed in the Senate.
Two very simple questions merely requiring a simple yes or no response.
1. Does the State of Michigan utilize the Cumulative SSDI database to cull Michigan’s Registered Voter Database of deceased voters? If not, why not?
2. There does not appear to be a Bill pending to eliminate the use of electronic voting machines in Michigan and return to the tried and true method of paper ballots and hand counting. Why has such legislation NOT been considered or introduced?
Please view the following video where Attorney Matt DiPerno and Bill Bailey summarize and explain the details of the forensic evidence gathered to date substantiating the algorithmic manipulation of voting results in several counties in Michigan (Antrim, Kent,  Wayne, Grand Traverse, Macomb et. al.). This evidence was submitted to Judge Elsenheimer’s court pertaining to the Antrim County et al. litigation yesterday, April 12.
QUESTION for the Lansing Establishment copied herein. The legislature approved the appropriation request to purchase the voting machines used in Michigan. Attorney General Nessel has publicly threatened members of the legislature with criminal prosecution if they engage in active participation in investigating allegations or claims of voting irregularities in Michigan. According to Attorney DiPerno’s statements in the video members of the legislature would appear NOT to want to get involved, NOR use their authority, comparable to other states (Arizona) to conduct an official legislative inquiry into the election or the evidence gathered to date. Their appears to be a “prima facie” case worthy of legislative investigation that may assist you in further legislative efforts to draft appropriate and timely bills. What assurances do you have that the governor will NOT veto all your proposed bills? It seems to me that a legislative investigation based on Attorney Di Perno’s prima facie case, expanded further into other counties, would provide a solid foundation to validate your legislative efforts before the citizens and residents of Michigan, and more importantly, to any critical local or national media.   With all do respect gentleman, why are you hiding under your desks? QUESTION for the media why are you not involved? Is it true as alleged in the video that the State of Michigan is subsidizing the media via Pure Michigan? Just asking? Is taxpayer funding being used to prevent the proletariat from learning the truth? Pravda in the making?
Fellow Patriots and Michiganians please review the podcast linked below. Information and commentary you will not receive via your favorite media outlet, local or national. The message is clear.
Also note the link below that confirms the statement in the prior article about a Covid Implant Monitorng Device.
Remember the old saying, “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore”? What say you fellow Patriots?
The Octogenarian Deplorable
aka Jim Fuscaldo

April 12, 2021 at 11:07 AM
Honorable Representatives and Senators. In view of the report in the attached link what role if any did the House or Senate have, directly or indirectly, in approving, reviewing or even having knowledge of the terms and conditions contained in the referenced grants? If yes, what committee or group of legislators “signed off” or approved the acceptance of said grants? Which of the pending election reform bills currently before the House and Senate addresses the concern of private funding of elections? If none, please explain why?
For the Patriot constituents copied herein please consider supplementing your information and knowledge by tuning in to the daily podcast whose link follows. The X 22 Report publishes information and opinion that you are not likely to hear discussed on your favorite MSM outlet. Today’s podcast discusses voting irregularities in Michigan with specific reference to Antrim County and the attempted cover up by the Clerk, Governor Whitmer’s lockdown and the fallacy of wearing mask as protection against Covid. You may find this interesting in view of the report that follows pertaining to Covid incidence rate in Midland and surrounding counties.

Midland ranked No. 2 in U.S. for fastest new COVID case increases

Midland adds 79 cases Thursday


COVID at a glance

Midland County

New cases: 79 Positivity rate: 15.4%

Gladwin County

New cases: 76 Positivity rate: 19.1%

Midland County recorded 79 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, as a statewide surge in cases makes Michigan the country’s current pandemic hotspot.

On Thursday, information gathered by The New York Times placed Midland No. 2 in the nation on a list of cities where new COVID case rates are increasing the fastest. Bay City ranked No. 4, and Mount Pleasant was No. 1.

Out of the top ten cities listed by the Times as of 5 p.m. Thursday, eight are in Michigan.

Thursday, April 8 COVID-19 numbers:

  • Midland County: 79 cases were added. Pandemic total is 5,364 cases, 645 probable, 68 deaths and three probable deaths.
  • Bay County: 76 cases were added; pandemic total stands at 8,421 cases, 493 probable, 297 deaths and 12 probable deaths.
  • Gladwin County: 28 cases were added; pandemic total stands at 1,506 cases, 308 probable, 40 deaths and three probable deaths.
  • Isabella County: 52 cases were added; pandemic total stands at 4,228 cases, 664 probable, 77 deaths and 1 probable death.
  • Saginaw County: 137 cases and 2 deaths were added; pandemic total stands at 16,213 cases, 856 probable, 526 deaths and 14 probable deaths.

On Thursday, the state added 7,819 new cases and 73 deaths, which includes 43 deaths identified during a records review. Overall, Michigan is at 723,297 cases and 16,400 deaths.


The state report shows as of Thursday, Midland County has performed 66,172

COVID-19 tests. Gladwin County is listed as having administered 18,667 tests.

Midland County’s seven-day rolling positivity rate on April 4 was listed at 15.4% and

Gladwin County was listed at 19.1%. Our 12-county region is listed at 20.7% and Michigan is at 17.3%.

MidMichigan Health statistics

As of Thursday, MidMichigan Medical Center in Midland was listed as having an 89% bed occupancy, with 26 COVID-19 patients and six in the ICU. MidMichigan Medical

Center in Gladwin was listed as having an 26% bed occupancy, with one COVID-19 patient, and none in the ICU.

Regarding PPE supplies, the Midland hospital reported 15-30 days for N95 masks; 15-30 days for surgical masks; 30-plus days for surgical gowns; 15-30 days for exam gloves and 30-plus days for eye protection as of Monday. The Gladwin hospital reported 30-plus days for all of the above supplies.

Gentleman, please consider this suggestion. Please prepare a summary for all your constituents of the Bills presently before the legislature that are directed to address and prevent election irregularities. In short
  1. Identify the Bill,
  2. Identify the election irregularities the bill will address, and
  3. Identify how the proposed solution (Bill) will resolve the election irregularities.
  4. In short “keep it simple and to the point”. Give confidence to your constituents that you have real solutions, not the proverbial “smoke and mirrors”.


Thank you for your consideration. Your constituents would like to know. Just saying.



The Octogenarian Deplorable

aka Jim Fuscaldo


P.S. The legislature should require all counties in Michigan to disclose what if any monetary assistance (grants) they received from outside sources like the Zuckerberg Group to fund their election processes as part of your legislative oversight authority. What say you?

Thank you for contacting the Office of Speaker Jason Wentworth in regards to the integrity of our election.

The House has recently passed several bills related to election integrity:

  1. House Bill 4127– Currently, section 510 of the Election Law requires the county clerk to forward a list of adults who have died in the county to city and township clerks, who would then cancel the registration of deceased electors. The bill would also require the SOS, within 90 days of the bill’s effective date, to send both of the following to each registered elector who has been assigned a placeholder date of birth on the QVF because the actual date of birth is unknown: • A postage prepaid return card pre-addressed to the elector’s city or township clerk on which the elector may verify his or her birth date. He or she would have to sign the card and attach a copy of his or her original birth certificate or current driver’s license or state personal ID card as proof of date of birth. • A notice that the elector must complete, sign, and return the enclosed card, including the date of birth and proof of date of birth, at least 15 days before the next election; that he or she may otherwise be required to affirm the date of birth in writing before being allowed to vote; and that failure to do so will result in the cancellation of his or her registration following the second general November election after the notice. An elector returning the completed and signed card in person would also have to provide proof of date of birth. Until an elector returned the completed and signed return card, and the signature was verified by the city or township clerk using the QVF, the elector’s registration would be identified as challenged. The clerk would have to notify the elector of the challenged status and the steps necessary to resolve the issue. Likewise, if the mailings were returned as undeliverable, the bill would require the SOS to identify that elector’s registration record as challenged. Then, if the elector did not vote or engage in voter-initiated activity or verify the birth date within two general November elections, the SOS would have to cancel the elector’s registration and notify the applicable city or township clerk of the cancellation.
  2. House Bill 4128 – Currently, the Election Law provides that an elector’s voter registration may not be canceled based solely on a failure to vote. The bill would instead require the SOS to cancel the elector’s registration if he or she did not reply to the notice described below or engage in voter-initiated activity by the second general November election after the notice. The notice would state that the SOS’s records indicate that the voter has not voted since the 2000 general November election and that the voter must fill out, sign, and return the enclosed card to the applicable city or township clerk if he or she wishes to remain registered to vote at that address. Further, it would indicate that the voter would have to do so at least 15 days before the next election; that he or she may otherwise be required to affirm his or her current address House Fiscal Agency HBs 4127 to 4131 as reported from committee Page 3 of 6 before being allowed to vote; and that failure to do so will result in his or her registration being canceled following the second general November election after the notice Then, as under HB 4127, if the notice was returned as undeliverable or if the signature did not match the QVF, the bill would require the SOS or clerk, respectively, to identify that elector’s registration record as challenged. The clerk would also have to notify the elector of a challenged status based on a non-matching signature and inform the elector of the steps needed to resolve it. Then, if the elector did not vote or engage in voter-initiated activity within two general November elections, the SOS would have to cancel the elector’s registration and notify the applicable city or township clerk of the cancellation. MCL 168.509bb House Bill 4129 The bill would amend the Election Law to require the SOS
  3. House Bill 4129– The bill would amend the Election Law to require the SOS to post on the SOS website, by July 1 of odd-numbered years, the name of each county, city, and township clerk who is not current with his or her continuing election education training required under the code, and to remove that name upon receiving evidence that the clerk has become current. The SOS would have to notify delinquent clerks by June 1 of odd-numbered years, and remove from the list those who remedy the delinquency before July 1.

Additionally, the Michigan Senate has presented a large Election Reform Package. If you follow the below link, it will take to you to the Senate Elections Committee Page which shows all legislation that they have introduced thus far.

 Michigan Legislature – Committee Bill Record Search

As far as any petitions related to citizen initiated legislation, that is not a process the legislature would be a part of unless and until outside groups and private citizens were successful in collecting the required number of signatures, the petitions were validated by the Secretary of State’s office, and the legislation was taken up by the House. Should this occur, please know that Speaker Wentworth will keep your thoughts at the forefront of his mind.

Thank you again for your email. If our office can be of further assistance to you, please reach out anytime at (517)-373-8962 or

Office of Speaker Jason Wentworth, District 97

Learn about the work I’m doing for the 97th district!

Contact Me

164 Capitol Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Phone: (517) 373-8962