BEYOND PARODY: Scotland Considering Banning Ownership of Cats as Pets in Order to Save Birds

February 4, 2025 in News by RBN Staff

source:  gatewaypundit



The country of Scotland is apparently considering banning the ownership of cats as pets. The people behind this are concerned that housecats kill too many birds. Hasn’t that been going on for as long as cats have existed? It’s just one of the things that cats do, it’s in their DNA.

Would the people of Scotland actually consent to a rule like this? People who love cats tend to be really into owning cats as pets.

The UK is known for this kind of Nanny State nonsense, so the rule proposal isn’t much of a surprise. What would be shocking is if it actually passes.

GB News reports:

Cats in Scotland could be BANNED under strict new wildlife plans to protect birds

Households in Scotland could be prohibited from owning cats as part of new plans aimed at protecting the country’s wildlife.

A report by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) – ordered by the Scottish Government – states that cats are wreaking havoc on the local population of mammals and birds.

The body estimates about 250,000 bats and 27 million birds in the UK are killed each year by felines…

In particularly “vulnerable areas”, cat ownership could be banned altogether in order to protect the wildlife.

The advisory group also suggested installing “cat containment areas” to stop cats from roaming and hunting.

Cats in these zones must be kept indoors, only being allowed outside if they are on a lead or kept in enclosed outdoor runs.

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Cat lovers in Scotland need to make their voices heard. This is nonsense.