Biden Administration Begins Building Infrastructure for Permanent Pandemic, DoD Signs $137 Million Deal for Test Strip Facility to Complete in Late 2024

January 2, 2022 in News by RBN Staff

The Biden administration is signaling that COVID-19, and all current and future variants therein, are part of the new and permanent way of life.  COVID-19 is being codified in the permanent regulatory state. The contracts for the continuance of the public health emergency supply procurements are coming through the Defense Department [Announcement Here]

Many people feared that various government agencies, those who used the pandemic to gain raw power over U.S. citizens, would never relinquish their new authorities. This latest announcement would indicate long term plans that are likely to end no sooner than when we stop taking off our shoes at the airport TSA checkpoints.

It’s a smart Machiavellian move to use the DoD as the regulatory mechanism for the permanent state of emergency, as their spending authorities carry wide discretion and are supported by both wings of the UniParty and permanent security state, ie. The Fourth Branch of Government.

(Via Daily Mail) – The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits – but the new facility won’t be completed until late 2024 at the earliest.

MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany’s Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announced as the U.S. hit a high record of 489,267 COVID cases on Wednesday

While the contract gives the company three years to complete the facility, it is not immediately clear when it will ramp up to full production, which is expected to pump out 83.3 million tests per month.

‘Construction is expected to begin the second half of 2022 and initial planning and preparatory work is already underway,’ a MilliporeSigma spokesperson told ‘We estimate that the facility will be capable of providing lateral flow membranes in the latter part of 2024.’

The individual said that the production of lateral flow membrane is ‘critical for rapid diagnostic tests’ that will not only help with COVID-19 detection, but also with ‘any future public health emergencies.’ (read more)

Once we get on their Ronacoaster, we can’t get off until the ride’s over.  And apparently, if we let the government keep going, the ride is never over.

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