Biden Administration Tells Second Whopper in as Many Weeks
December 2, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
source: patriotoutlook
Joe Biden visited the heavy trucking program at the Dakota County Technical College in Rosemount, Minnesota, to talk about his recently signed infrastructure law and to push his Build Back Better bill.
Biden was met by at least 100 protesters during his visit, according to a very expressive pool report.
They had Trump flags and a big sign saying “Build Back Broke.” Other signs included “FJB,” “You suck,” “High gas – C’mon man” and “Trump still president.” One woman was wearing a “Let’s go, Brandon” shirt, which was also on signs and a flag. There was also a “F**k you, Biden” sign with the “u” in the first word made like a middle finger.
The most colorful part of the pool report? “A real middle finger attached to a somewhat rough-looking middle age man with a beard was upraised as the motorcade passed.”
Warning for graphic language:
Biden then went into full pitch mode. Unfortunately, full pitch mode doesn’t include full honesty mode. He continues with the nonsensical narrative that somehow spending more will reduce inflation and the deficit.
He decries tax giveaways to the super-wealthy.
But Biden fails to note that according to the Tax Policy Center, two-thirds of households making over $1 million per year would receive a tax cut under the Build Back Better Act. Sure looks like Joe is prepping a “tax giveaway to the super-wealthy” there.
Biden said that he ran for three reasons, but then listed two.
He said he ran to restore the “soul” of the country, to restore “decency.” I don’t know about you but I find it insulting, presumptuous, and insane that he thinks the country didn’t have a “soul” or “decency” before him. Plus, given what a straight-up liar he is — frequently making things up out of whole cloth — I’m not sure I would ever point to Joe Biden as representative of “decency.”
The day before, he had implored people to wear their masks indoors in the face of the new Omicron variant. But after his remarks indoors, he then went and greeted people without a mask.
Oh, and speaking of making things up out of whole cloth, let’s hear Joe Biden — who has been a politician for the past 48 years — claim that he used to drive a tractor-trailer while talking to people presumably connected to the trucking program at the school.
Biden has previously claimed that he drove an “18-wheeler” when he visited a Mack Trucks plant earlier this year. But there’s no evidence that he ever did. Indeed, the only evidence is that he rode in a cargo truck in 1973, not that he ever drove one. The White House excuse for Biden at that time only got him into more trouble. They claimed that he drove a school bus during law school. But there was no evidence of that either and, in any event, a school bus isn’t an 18-wheeler.