Biden’s $10 Per Gallon Gas Coming Soon
October 26, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
source: theblacksphere
A lot of people are talking about Biden’s $7+ gas prices today. However, that dubious milestone was achieved months ago.
MSNBC reported,
The pump, for 87 unleaded, read a record-high $6.999 at the BP station on Williamsburg Road near Parker street.
“I pulled in, I start pumping my gas, and then I realized I put $80 worth in my truck,” one driver told ABC8.
The driver added: “The lady next to me said she put $100 in her car. She just started crying because she said her car doesn’t take that much.”
That’s right. When Biden isn’t molesting women, he’s making them cry over gas prices.
So much for that universal basic income and those $15 per hour livable wages. Bidenflation eats up whatever he steals from the American taxpayer and doles out to the huddled hustlers longing to be kept.
Today we get news that gas prices continue to rise.
In a small California town, gas prices hit $7.59 per gallon this week — more than double the national average. This puts gas at a 7-year high. Remind me who was president then?
Worse, according to experts gas prices will continue to rise, as demand now hit its highest level since August.
If only the problems ended there. But as it turns out, gasoline isn’t the only petroleum (dirty) product who’s price is soaring.
Butane prices rose from 8 to 9 dollars per 100 pound tank. Five percent of Americans use butane, so for them the price rises are equivalent watching their portfolios disappear under the current administration. Eight to nine dollars is a double-digit rise! Anybody think paychecks can keep pace with Bidenflation?
But we aren’t done yet.
The price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has risen again for the second time in two weeks, as per notice from the Belize Bureau of Standards.
What will all these increases do to the average family? People will feel the pain, at the pump, and in the grocery store. As fuel prices climb, so will food prices. Already, meat is getting harder to come by, and already harder to afford. And let’s not even talk about Christmas shopping, as Kamala Harris already hinted that we’re screwed, collectively.
Already, the White House is trying to put their own spin on things. Recently, Jenn Psaki asserted the climate crisis was more important than cheaper fuel, calling global warming “one of the greatest national security crises the president sees.” These comments were made as a sort of warning against rolling back green energy policies.
Clearly, leftists are willing to double down on the worst bet in history: Joe Biden.