BUSTED! Flight Attendant Group Reveals Ann Coulter Was ‘Targeted On Purpose’ In Seat Fiasco
July 18, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Gateway Pundit |
Conservative icon Ann Coulter isn’t letting up in her battle against Delta after the airline gave away her pre-booked seat to another passenger. Coulter, who is 6-feet-tall paid an extra $30 for a seat with more leg room, but was removed from her seat.
TGP previously reported, conservative powerhouse, Ann Coulter unleashed hell on Delta airlines on Saturday after they removed her from her pre-booked seat and gave it to another woman. Coulter pointed out that the woman who took her seat was not elderly, sick or a child. Was this politically motivated?
Coulter said she asked the flight attendant why she was being forced to move from her seat and the response was “I don’t know.” The flight attendant snatched the ticket from Coulter’s hand and ordered her to move without explanation.
Ann Coulter took to her Twitter account to express her disappointment in Delta Airlines, sending out several tweets slamming the poor customer service. She even tweeted out a picture of the woman who was given her seat.
Many have speculated Coulter’s purchase was not honored by Delta Airlines due to her politics. Today, the conservative star tweeted out a text from a flight attendant, confirming that Ann Coulter was targeted on purpose by a group of Delta flight attendants.
Editor’s correction: An earlier post stated that a Delta flight attendant passed on the information.