BUSTED: Kim Foxx Admits She FAKED Recusing Herself From Jussie Case

March 30, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

Source: bigleaguepolitics.com

Cook County prosecutor Kim Foxx did not actually recuse herself from the Jussie Smollett case as she claimed. Foxx’s office was forced to make this admission when confronted with the fact that a real recusal would require putting a special prosecutor in charge, not just a Foxx assistant.

“The state’s attorney did not formally recuse herself or the office based on any actual conflict of interest,” stated her communications officer Tandra Simonton.

Thus, Foxx faked recusing herself to get the pressure off her back for her text messages with Tina Tchen, the former Michelle Obama chief of staff.

One America News Network (OAN) ran a segment Wednesday covering Hungarian-born progressive billionaire George Soros’ six-figure spending to put Kim Foxx in office as the prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois in 2016.

 Soros gave more than $400,000 to super PAC’s supporting Foxx in the race, which put her in the position to cut Jussie Smollett a sweetheart deal. Foxx’s office arranged to drop all charges against Smollett after Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff Tina Tchen personally texted Foxx on Smollett’s behalf. Smollett faked a violent hate crime against himself, which he blamed on fictional President Donald Trump supporters.