February 4, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
source: shtfplan
Mac Slavo
February 3rd, 2021
The biggest liars and propagandized mouthpieces for the establishment ruling class are calling on Joe Biden to create a “ministry of truth” to fight information that counters the official narrative. We are in the middle of a truly dystopic society.
The New York Times is urging Biden to appoint a “reality czar” to lead the fight against “disinformation and domestic extremism.” But really, the mainstream media and the government want to work together to maintain their stranglehold on the public. The government would be in charge of dictating everyone’s “reality” if this manifests.
And yes, George Orwell fans, America’s supposed newspaper of record used the phrase “reality czar” in describing the task-force leader that several “experts” recommended would be needed to take charge of the cross-agency “strategic response” to those odious people who say things deemed false by the government. This would be equivalent to the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s ‘1984’, and the New York Times’ ‘experts’ see the secretary of truth, or reality czar, turning loose the tools of Big Brother to crack down on those conspiracy theorists who have created“the reality crisis.” -RT
The “reality crisis” is that people have finally figured out that the mainstream media is pushing the news at us in a way that brainwashed the weak-minded into a controlled servitude state of mind. As more and more people wake up and realize what’s really going on, the mainstream media and the government will become increasingly desperate to control and silence any information.
Does the mainstream media actually believe that by silencing any dissent that people will suddenly begin to trust them again? They must or they are really at the end of their rope and have to pull out all the stops to keep people from figuring out that government is slavery.
“It sounds a little dystopian, I’ll grant,” Times technology columnist Kevin Roose conceded on Tuesday, “but let’s hear them out.” He went on to say that the “tip-of-the-spear” task force could hold regular meetings with social media platforms and demand “structural changes,” such as violating the privacy of their customers under special government exemptions.
So the mainstream media actively wants to punish “wrongthink.” Do you still believe falsely that you’re in the land of free? It’s pretty obvious by now that none of us are.