Can It Get Any Worse In Fresno California?

February 18, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

Can It Get Any Worse In Fresno California?

By Pam Jones

Fresno California is an EPIC FAIL!

I have lived in the Central Valley of California, Fresno to be exact for 11 years.  I moved here for a business opportunity that was very fruitful until Obama took over the country.  Since my arrival I have witnessed the fall of Fresno. Homelessness is now off the charts.  I watch the homeless rummage thru my trash everyday and every night. I do not dare put ANYTHING outside as it is stolen in minutes.  Most of the homeless are on drugs.  Many are not from around here, pulling suitcases and carring backpacks, I speculate that they too are ILLEGALS brought in by our own government as part of the collapse they have planned.   One particular young man named Bobby comes around my place several times a week.  When I asked him why he is on the streets he straight up told me he is a heroin addict.  He hangs around my area as the “Methadone” clinic is just up the street from me. He said he receives 5 days worth of methadone from the clinic each week and the other two days of the week he is scavengering  in the trash to find things to sell to buy his heroine off the streets.. probably from our local police!  What an existence!   I all so watch the homeless “bath” in the canal that runs right here in front of my front door.  Clothes and all, they climb down into the fast moving water, it terrifies me.  What if they fell in what would I do?   A few weeks ago the fire department was here looking for a reported bloated body floating in the canal.  WHAT the hell are the leaders in this community doing?

There is NO hope for anyone in this city anymore.  The air is the worst in the country, our water is all gone because of the man made drought via Geoengineering and what is left is polluted.  Crime is off the charts and BIG Brother is out of control here.  The city spends MORE MONEY installing Artificial Intelligence surveillance systems then they do maintaining our infrastructure.  The roads are crap, the building are old and falling apart and our police department is ran by DRUG DEALERS as you will see below.  As an activist, I am now scared to even live here anymore after the murder of another local activist that lived close by me who was  speaking the truth about the police corruption. Fresno cops are very well known for killing it’s citizens.

Fresno has the highest IV Drug problem in the country, it’s the worst place to live for the middle class families and if that’s not bad enough it was ranked as one of America’s worst ran cities. The school system is corrupt as you will see below and there apparently are no good paying jobs.   No surprise there.  As a small business owner here, I can tell you for certain after 11 years that Fresno is Brain DEAD!  No one can think let alone speak for themselves.  I have had NO luck hiring staff here, it’s the strangest thing ever.  It’s a silent zombie apocalypse and this cities LEADERSHIP is to blame.  Not just the current leadership but the leadership of all who have served here over the last 50 years!

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