Central banks are the real enemy of Americans

September 8, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: Winona Post

The real enemies of labor are not the Republican party, not the conservatives, not the tea partiers, not big business, not the big corporations. The real enemies of labor and of the American and world economies are the usurious central banks. Those who make money off money do not contribute anything real to our country. They are leeches, plain and simple. Nothing will really change until they are removed. All of the supposed economic indicators are based on how the banks and the speculators are doing, not on how real Americans are doing. We have all fallen for the big lie.

The Federal Reserve was created more than a century ago. It is not an agency of the Federal government. It is a private entity, controlled by private interests for private gain. It was given the power to create money out of thin air and then to loan it to the government and to every other entity at interest. It essentially has permission to rob everyone and especially the U.S. government with impunity. The national debt is a chimera. It doesn’t exist because the supposed loans were money that didn’t exist in the first place.

Some say we should audit then abolish the Fed. As long as the Fed exists, it controls and owns everything and everyone in government and out. I say we should abolish and liquidate the Fed. And reestablish real money in America.

“As long as interest on loans of money is legal, the money power will rule the workers by usury. The holdings of the Federal Reserve Bank gained $116 billion in interest in 2014 — almost $90 billion more than in 2001. No farmer no matter how fruitful, no inventor no matter how ingenious, and no manufacturer no matter how industrious, can ever hope to equal the financial gains obtained through compound interest. As long as usury is legal the money power will inevitably rule over a nation of farmers, inventors, manufacturers and all who are engaged in producing real wealth. No worker can compete against legally protected parasites,” wrote Michael Hoffman, author of “Usury in Christendom.”