Chase Bank Goes Full Woke, Cancels Gen Flynn’s Credit Card Over “Reputational Risk”
August 30, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
Source: LifeZette
Just when you thought corporate wokeness couldn’t get any worse, it does. General Michael Flynn announced in his Telegram channel today that he received a letter from Chase Bank informing him they know longer want his business.
Here’s what Chase sent him:
The letter stated:
Update: We are closing your credit cards
After careful consideration, we decided to close your credit cards on September 18, 2021 because continuing the relationship creates possible reputational risk to our company.
Flynn responded via Telegram, “Chase Bank has gone full blown woke! They need to deal with their own reputation instead of persecuting my family and I. DOJ dropped my case for their own egregious government misconduct, appears you weren’t that lucky with the DOJ. I guess my America First political views don’t align with yours. Your loss ”
Welcome to Biden’s America, where a highly decorated and retired 3-star general is deemed by the corporate elite to be a “reputational risk” by wokesters who are more concerned with promoting Marxist BLM ideology, CRT, and anything else that will help the Democrat party stay in power.
This is just another signal from the left of their hatred for freedom loving Americans and it’s time to fight back. How? Hit them where it hurts, in their wallet.
Recently, free speech and defamation attorney Lin Wood launched the “Strike Back For Freedom” movement, calling for people to stop spending money with left-wing companies. Michael Flynn is one of the patriots supporting this movement.
This is the way…
This piece was written by Ray Dietrich on August 29, 2021. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.
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