Climate Change Indoctrination of Kids Proposed

February 22, 2019 in News by RBN Staff


Climate change indoctrination with our youth is where they will succeed…  Molding/Shaping young minds to be good little globalists.
I predicted this long ago:  Start with the children … Climate Change, Their Sexuality …  All beginning with the children.
– Steve Elkins

Source: Lew Rockwell | 


Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-MA) is responsible for a bill that aims to indoctrinate kids in school with the climate change agenda. The bill’s co-sponsors include three aspirants for the Democratic nomination for president: Kamala Harris, Bernard Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The other five are Benjamin L. Cardin, Dianne Feinstein, Patty Murray, Jeanne Shaheen and Chris Van Hollen.

The bill is S.2740 – Climate Change Education Act. The bill would “authorize the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a Climate Change Education Program…” The NOAA would spread “grant” money to schools via state and local “agencies”.

The bill proposes indoctrinating children, not educating them. Indoctrination is inculcating beliefs uncritically, whereas education means “leading out” the mind or enlightening the mind to learn to think. The bill’s definitions already spell out beliefs, biases and concepts that it aims to instill:

“GREEN COLLAR JOB.—The term ‘green collar job’ means a job—

“(A) in a business that produces goods or provides services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources; or

“(B) in which the duties of the worker involve making the production processes of the employer more environmentally friendly or use fewer natural resources.

“GREEN ECONOMY.—The term ‘green economy’ means an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity by significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.”

This bill is totalitarian. It shows the huge anti-freedom time bomb that’s present in education that’s funded and controlled by federal, state and local governing authorities.

This system is already failing millions of Americans, even at basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.

Education needs to be opened up to competitive free market innovation.

The other time bomb that’s detonating right now is #REDforED, or Red for Ed. The teachers’ unions are being organized to swing votes even more than they already do.

There’s altogether too much public sympathy for teachers who don’t even deliver the goods despite being overpaid.

Now Markey, Feinstein, Harris, Sanders, Warren and others of like mind want to use taxes to control the thinking and eventual voting behavior of children in the schools even more greatly than is already the case through tax control, textbook control, curriculum control, and teacher training control.

State control of schools is totalitarian. It always has been. That’s its purpose. New measures and extensions of control provide fresh evidence of this totalitarian purpose.