“Convention of States”
August 20, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
David Barton and his “Wallbuilders” are big promoters of the “Convention of States,” and they have taken over the first night of the rogue Eagle Council event in D.C. put on by the group Phyllis asked to resign. The pro-ConCon Wallbuilders will lead attendees through their view of history as part of a Capitol “tour”. Phyllis’ Collegians conference had a Capitol tour last month for students, but without the ConCon promoters.
Phyllis Schlafly repeatedly said that defeating the ConCon is as important as defeating ERA. Having a pro-ConCon presenter at this pivotal time in the ConCon battle is certainly not something Phyllis would have allowed or wanted.
Of course, there’s money behind the Convention of States, just as there was pushing ERA. But real conservatives don’t allow ConCon to infiltrate their conferences no matter how much money is behind it. And our real grassroots Eagles will defeat ConCon just as Phyllis defeated ERA.
The rogue group, whom Phyllis asked to resign, offers no explanation for caving in so soon to the Convention of States promoters. Phyllis herself anticipated that Barton and other ConCon promoters might try to slip it into the Republican platform in Cleveland, and indeed a ConCon lobbyist attempted that but our side was ready and resoundingly defeated it.
While grassroots Eagles have been working hard to defeat the Convention of States, Barton brags here that he has been writing state legislators urging them to pass it. Yet Barton’s organization is picked by the rogue group to present to their small number of attendees.
Phyllis’s Eagle Council in St. Louis on September 21-24 will feature presentations and attendees who oppose the Convention of States, and who helped win a 18-4 victory against it in the States this year despite the lack of help by the group Phyllis asked to resign. Now the rogue group further betrays Phyllis by having the Convention of States promoter present at their conference.
Andy Schlafly