Cook County Board (Chicago) Votes to Dismantle Gang Database Because Terms “Gang Membership” and “Gang Association” Are Racist to Blacks
February 28, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

The purpose of elected officials in Chicago and Cook County isn’t to make life better for all citizens.
No, the purpose of elected officials in Chicago and Cook County is to make life better for black and brown criminals. [Chicago’s Cook County Votes To Dismantle ‘Racist’ Gang Database, Zero Hedge, 2-24-19]:
Officials in the Democratic stronghold of Chicago’s Cook County, Illinois voted on Thursday to completely dismantle their database of more than 25,000 known or suspected gang members, according to the Chicago Sun Times.
Chicago… a land where Democrats just dismantled a police gang database because they determined it to be racist…
The reason? The database is racist and inaccurate, according to opponents, as most of the people linked to gangs are black and Hispanic (meanwhile most victims and killers in Chicago are black males aged between 15 and 35, often with gang affiliations).
“The terms ‘gang association’ or ‘gang membership’ have become a form of criminalizing mostly young people of color,” said county Commissioner Alma Anaya – chief sponsor of the measure. “The passage of the ordinance will be a major step forward for Cook County. We will serve as a national model.”
The end of law and order is upon us in America, with elected Democrats in Cook County – fueled by the avenging message of Michelle Alexander’s tome of the 21st century, The New Jim Crow – doing their best to dismantle the shackles of systemic racism and structural inequalities.
St. Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Nashville, and Chicago are all cities dominated by elected/appointed officials throughout government and the legal system who look upon Alexander’s book as their Bible, directing all their decisions in a quest to rid their police departments of the lingering impact of Jim Crow and freeing innocent black bodies.
Those of us who are law abiding are just going to have to suffer the consequences of this latest folly of egalitarianism.