Covid-19 Fraud: Researcher Jim West Rides Again

July 5, 2023 in News by RBN Staff

source:  lewrockwell


Jon Rappoport’s Blog

July 5, 2023

April 23, 2020 [America in ‘lockdown’: Day 41.]

I became aware of Jim West’s work back in the day of the West Nile fake epidemic. Jim was documenting the destructive effects of air pollution in the areas where the virus was said to be causing harm.

He’s doing it again, now, in the case of COVID. His latest blog post is titled “COVID Pandemic 2020: Environment Omitted”.

Here are two key Jim West quotes:

“Air pollution correlates with COVID-19 epicenters. The only pollutant that could have a worldwide timeline correlation with these coinciding epidemics would be fracking fuel, its global implementation timing and toxicity dependent upon its formulation. Apparently new toxics were added to fracked fuel directly or by relaxing the rules for cleaning fracked ‘natural’ gas. Fracked fuel exhaust, toxic earth gas vapors, and epidemic locations correlate with the record-high measles epidemics of 2019 and the present COVID-19 epidemics.”

“New Orleans has the highest [so-called “COVID”] death incidence in the US, at 38, and is adjacent the largest petrochemical industrial region of the US. New York City is next, with a death incidence of 32, and is adjacent the second largest petrochemical region in the US.”

Jim emphasizes that his research on air pollution and “COVID” is ongoing, and he’ll be expanding and adjusting that work as he discovers new information.

Since 1987, I’ve been writing about the use of THE VIRUS as a successful cover story, launched to obscure corporate and government crimes that harm health and kill large numbers of people.

Public awareness of covert ops and cover stories is widening—particular in light of the blizzard of lies surrounding the “pandemic.”

The CDC, through its Epidemic Intelligence Service, and the World Health Organization, routinely send their virus hunters out into the field to explain away environmental crimes with highly arcane gibberish about germs. These organizations front for pharma, other types of major corporations, and governments—all intent on concealing their crimes against populations.

This time, with COVID, the op goes much farther. Its aim is the creation of a new civilization, ruled by technocrats, who are using the false propaganda notion of a “spreading virus” to insist on global governance; only then, they say, can we coordinate epidemic responses early enough to head off worldwide disasters.

“We’re all in this together.”

Translation: If you buy fake love and fake share and care—as opposed to the real thing—you’re in the mind control bubble where following all official orders turns you into a sincere pod person—to be controlled and sacrificed on the altar of a New World Order.

Yes, Virginia, the NWO is real. It’s a cheery marshmallow with a poisoned core.

Here is an illustration of a prime-cut A-number-one cover story, from 2003—SARS, the great epidemic that, according to the World Health Organization, was gripping planet Earth. In the end, WHO listed the death total as: 800. On a planet of 6.3 billion people.

Where did SARS begin? Where was it first found? Guangdong, China. In their excellent book, Virus Mania, Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Kohnlein explore non-virus causes of flu-like illness in that locale. They found causes. It turns out this area is one of the world’s largest re-cyclers of e-waste:

“Guangdong is China’s largest industrial area…extremely polluted. Garbage lies everywhere; above all high-tech waste…For $1.50 a day, locals disassemble computers, monitors and printers with their bare hands, endangering both their own health and the environment… There, workers empty toner cartridges from laser printers the whole day long without protective masks, breathing in fine carbon dust. Others, mostly women and girls, dip circuit boards into baths of liquid lead to separate and collect the soldering materials with which the memory chips and processors are attached to the plates. Unprotected, they are exposed to toxic fumes. While the plastic plates are simply burned up, the chips and processors are put in acid baths, to extract their gold. Here as well, poisonous fumes are generated, and the unusable leftover acids are just dumped into the river. A lot of garbage is simply burned up or dumped onto rice fields, irrigation facilities or into waterways. The bodies of water and groundwater around Guiys have become so contaminated that drinking water has to be brought in daily from other cities…”

A real cause of real illness. No need for a virus. Except…as a cover story.