July 18, 2016 in News, Video by RBN Staff

Source: newswithviews.com
By Paul McGuire

We are seeing bizarre news coverage of shooters, heavily armed that are gunning down both civilians and police with increasing frequency. The recent Dallas shooter was a lone gunman, who was apparently discharged from the army due to sexual harassment charges that involved the of stealing a female officers’ panties. He had a written manifesto on killing police and white people in a “shoot and run” strategy.

We have “come a long way baby” from the counter-culture demonstrations of the late 1960’s to the 1970’s where demonstrators of all races held up signs that said things like, “LOVE, “MAKE LOVE, AND NOT WAR” and “PEACE AND LOVE.” The optimism of the counter culture turned a dark corner when it began to speak about change and revolution through violence. Signs and chants said, “Kill the Pigs,” referring to the Police. What caused this change was the entrance of radical groups who embraced Marxist ideology. I remember being in New York City at an anti-war demonstrations and seeing the Weather Underground begin to change the narrative with T-shirts which read, “Armed Love” with a hand holding up an AK-47. Very subtly the Weather Underground began to move the counter culture towards violence instead of “Love.” Soon afterwards Weather Underground leaders were blowing up police cars and killing police. It was around this time that Weather Underground Leaders like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn rose to prominence as radicals who openly advocated violence against the police and may have actually participated in it.

What we are seeing all around us in an outgrowth of the ideological changes that happened within the counter culture and other radical groups seeking to radically usher in a Marxist or radical Islamic state. The news media is covered with accounts of policemen killing African American men for “traffic stops” and police being shot and ambushed. After each incident there is a call for more gun control despite the comments from experts like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani that gun control would do nothing to stop these events. People will use knives or any other weapon they can find. At the same time we have groups like Black Lives Matter is being financed by billionaires like George Soros and 10,000 members of Black Lives Matter are being bused into Cleveland to the RNC Convention.

Although, our Constitution gives people the right to publicly and peacefully protest, what is planned for Cleveland is a recipe for orchestrated chaos or manufactured crisis, which were radical techniques, developed in the 1970’s. Historically, chaos or crisis drives radical social transformation. The motto of the New World Order is “order out of chaos.” Is it possible that chaos is being allowed to allow a New World Order to be birthed? In Europe the heads of major European nations are allowing radical Islamic males from Syria, all of military age into different European nations where a disturbing percentage have raped European women and caused violence. No rational leader would allow this, and it is certainly not a matter of ignorance. They knew what the results would be before they opened the borders.

Then there is the problematic question that the media always ignores. Syria is surrounded by very wealthy nations like Saudi Arabia, which had tremendous landmass. Logistically, it would be far more effective to build temporary cities and towns in the surrounding nations, rather than send the Syrian refugees through Turkey and way up into Europe. Are the radical Islamic migrants being allowed into Europe to destabilize European nations?

The City of Cleveland has granted 20 permits to anti-Trump groups who want to demonstrate in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention. Protesters from opposing sides will be forced to compete for rally space, but so far no permits have been issued to pro-Trump groups. Groups like Code Pink, a radical leftist pro-Palestinian group, and Rose Hamid, who is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, have permits to demonstrate. The Soros-backed Black Lives Matter and MoveOn.org have booked a number of rooms in numerous hotels for the four nights of the convention. A Soros-backed group called “Democracy Spring” vows to cause catastrophic civil unrest along with the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) calling on students, all over the country to join in the demonstrations.

Police Unions are warning that Cleveland is not adequately prepared for a “Summer of Chaos.” What happened in Dallas is a warning of much bigger things that could come to Cleveland.

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