DEA Administrator: ‘China Is Providing Chemicals’ ‘to the Criminal Drug Networks’ That Are ‘Mass-Producing’ Fentanyl Pills

April 6, 2022 in News, Video by RBN Staff



Did she offer any proof for her accusation, that was later printed as” FACTUAL”?   Sanctions haven’t worked against China, so let’s restart the fake news/propaganda on China again. China is behind a mass program of sending Fentanyl to Mexico where prescription pills are laced with Fentanyl?
Question:  Why wasn’t Mexico demonized for their labs that make the Fentanyl laced pills? Just one sided this hate????   Where are the fact checkers to verify that she speaks the truth?  Well, there won’t be any fact checkers because she is with the United States Government, and they never lie to us, now do they?
Let’s not forget that our military is standing guard in Afghanistan.  Our highly trained military is…… Standing Guard over” Poppy” Fields  SO…. Don’t tell me that the U.S. has a war on drugs, when they are doing everything within their means to keep the drug industry thriving.
The U.S. government is the 2nd biggest drug dealer in the world…. 2nd to the Pharmaceutical Industry itself.
Take notice that there are NO cures for any diseases. There is NO money in finding cures, only money to rake in with finding treatment of symptoms.
Can you tell me the last disease cure the pharmaceutical industry found?
Your mind is blank.  Ahhhhhh…. Nope.  I can’t name one.
All these well compensated brainy scientists, and we still have NO cures. ????  I find that amazing, don’t you?.  Science, (space exploration), has made some great strides to this date, but down here on earth the scientists can’t find any cures for any disease?

Inform that person who insists on having a Pink Ribbon,(Breast Cancer), sticker on their car.  Inform them….There is NO money in finding cures for disease.  The money is made in treating…. SYMPTOMS.  Ca-ching, Ca-ching.

– Steve Elkins

Source: Breitbart

DEA Administrator: ‘China Is Providing Chemicals’ ‘to the Criminal Drug Networks’ That Are ‘Mass-Producing’ Fentanyl Pills



During an interview with ABC on Tuesday aired on Tuesday’s edition of “Nightline,” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram stated that China provides chemicals “to Mexico, to the criminal drug networks that are then mass-producing” fake prescription pills that are sold as though they’re prescription drugs, but are actually laced with fentanyl.

Milgram said, “[W]e do see a large number of young people who are purchasing pills. What we know is that China is providing chemicals to Mexico, to the criminal drug networks that are then mass-producing these fake prescription pills. They’re being sold as if they were Xanax, as if they were Oxy, as if they were Percocet. But there’s no Xanax, no Oxy, no Percocet in them. They’re fentanyl. But it isn’t just young people that we see, it’s also older Americans. Right now, this is the leading cause of death. Overdoses are the leading cause of death for men between the age of 18 and 45. There are more overdose deaths than car accidents and gun violence. So, we have to be really expansive in understanding that it’s just not teens, it’s Americans of all ages, cuts across every single demographic, rural, urban, suburban, and that people are dying at record rates.”

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