Denver Business Owner Fined For Not Cleaning Up Feces And Used Drug Needles Left Behind by Homeless Vagrants

November 18, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff


Denver business owner, Youtube
The city of Denver fined Jawaid Bayzar, a local internet business owner, after he and his staff refused to continue cleaning up after homeless people behind his building. He said that the homeless people leave trash, drug needles, food, and human waste in the alley where his business is located. He complained that the vagrants engage in drug deals, prostitution and violence. The city of Denver is following liberal policies and refuses to enforce laws against trespassing, camping, and public defecation. Denver contends that if the trash is on Bayzar’s property, it is his responsibility to clean it. The city has threatened to issue additional fines, and Bayzar plans to fight the ticket in court on December 18th.

The city of Denver fined a local business owner after he and his staff refused to continue cleaning up after homeless people behind his building, according to CBS Denver.

There’s food, trash, drug deals,” said Jawaid Bayzar, who added “In the alley we get, ya know, the defacation, drug needles, prostitution” behind his internet company, One night an employee was sitting in his car when someone smashed the window and tried to stab him, according to Bayzar.

And when Bayzar and his crew stopped cleaning up the constant hazardous mess left by the vagrants, telling CBS he’s not equipped to deal with it, Denver fined him.

“If the city’s not going to enforce laws against trespassing, or camping, or public defecation and just make me bare the cost of these problems that’s just not right,” he told CBS4.
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