FAKE NEWS ALERT!! Lockdown Governors to Stop Taking Pay

March 26, 2020 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike

Due to the lock downs sweeping across the land, many people have lost their jobs and more – many more – are expected to. Let it not be said that America’s politicians are completely without sympathy, empathy and compassion for the people of our land.

All of the Governor’s of the several states which have locked down the people in the states they rule have agreed to take no pay for as long as any of the people of their states are without the jobs they lost because of their lockdowns.

Now that’s some fake news!
Je suis Spike

PS Kind of makes you look at this a bit differently, and it would make those Governors look at it differently too.

USA State Governors 2017 – by u/viktor72 via Reddit.com