Farmers and Truckers Stopped from Providing Food as Supply Chain Is Destroyed

December 29, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff

source:  needtoknow

December 29, 2021    By:  GEG

Broken plate, Unsplash


Ice Age Farmer gives examples around the globe of how supply chains are being destroyed to cause food shortages. Unvaccinated consumers have been denied access to food through vaccine passports. In Western Australia, unvaxxed farmers will be prevented from delivering their grain crops. New trucking regulations will require truck drivers crossing the US-Canadian border to be vaccinated. A document from Botswana stated that the country will not import staple crops, which will ensure food shortages, in order to “enhance the RESET AGENDA.” China has been hoarding grain, owns half of the world’s supply, and is driving up prices. The current scenarios were predicted in John Podesta’s war game, ‘Food Chain Reaction Game,’ funded by George Soros, predicted events that are happening today.

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