Flyer calling for ‘vigilante squads’ circulating around Texas State

November 10, 2016 in News by RBN Staff


Source: KXAN News | By


SAN MARCOS, Texas (KXAN) — A controversial flyer in support of the President-Elect Donald Trump is circulating around Texas State calling for vigilante squads to tar and feather university leaders.

An image of camo-clad men holding guns and an American Flag stand beside the message with “‘Texas State Vigilantes” written across the bottom. The flyers found in bathrooms on campus claim school officials are spouting “diversity garbage,” and now that Trump has been elected they plan to arrest and torture university leaders. School officials said the flyers were glued on bathroom mirrors in several buildings across campus.

The next page of the flyer begins with “Diversity?” The writer calls for predators, like snakes and piranhas, to be placed in the Rio Grande River to stop illegal immigrants. The message goes on to say “why not re-purpose our nuclear site radiation trash into the Mexican facing side of the wall to at least sterilize all those who try to dig under or climb over.”

Students are asked in the flyer to clog school toilets to send a message to university leaders. “Here’s what I think of your ‘diversity’ ideology —- overflowing all over your floor,” states the flyer.

The last page delves further into the writer’s problem with diversity claiming it is a code word for “white genocide.” The message concludes saying “diversity is just another way of wanting someone else to give you something you don’t deserve — in this case by the color of your skin you are ‘entitled.’”

Texas State University has responded to the flyers saying it is considered criminal activity and the university police department is launching an investigation.

Meanwhile students are gathering on campus to protest Tuesday’s election results. Several showed up to the rally holding signs and flags.

The University President Denise M. Trauth issued this statement on Wednesday:

Dear Bobcat Community,

Our country has been through one its most contentious presidential elections ever, and people of all backgrounds are experiencing different emotions.

We know that those who are a part of our university community have different opinions and that, in this time of transition in our national leadership, members of our community are expressing their thoughts and concerns. Discourse is fundamental to the academic enterprise, and this university strives to protect it.

As Bobcats our aim should be to better understand that which causes divisions among us and to work toward strengthening our bond as a university community. Constructive dialogue is the best way to achieve this goal.


Denise M. Trauth