Georgia Board of Education Takes Major Step Against Critical Race Theory
June 7, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
source: trumptrainnews

The Georgia Board of Education is taking steps to halt controversial race theory in its tracks and keep it out of schools. The controversial teaching method attempts to convince children they are fundamentally racist and that America is founded on the principles of systemic racism.
According to Fox News:
By an 11-2 vote, the state adopted part of a resolution drafted by conservative think tank Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported. It contains language restricting external, private influences from changing school teaching — an apparent attempt to exclude diversity consultancies or activist nonprofits from administrators’ decision-making.
The resolution also prevents teachers from being forced to teach that an individual’s worth or sense of shame should be dependent on their race or sex.
It reads, in part: “[C]oncepts that impute fault, blame, a tendency to oppress others, or the need to feel guilt or anguish to persons solely because of their race or sex violate the premises of individual rights, equal opportunity, and individual merit underpinning our constitutional republic, and therefore have no place in training for teachers, administrators, or other employees of the public educational system of the State of Georgia.”
Georgia’s is just the latest attempt to halt so-called “anti-racist” trainings and curricula in their tracks. Some have defended those types of teachings as a way to foster understanding and dismantle purportedly systemic inequities. Others, like Chris Rufo, have described them as a form of neo-racism that unfairly attributes certain concepts or actions to racial groups.