Globalist Bill Gates Promises That the Pain From ‘Pandemic 1’ Will Be Felt for Years to Come

April 30, 2020 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Big League Politics

 Is this a prediction or a threat?



Billionaire technocrat Bill Gates has been a prophet of doom throughout the coronavirus pandemic, urging a total societal lockdown while his underlings scramble to synthesize a vaccine that can be pumped into millions of people worldwide.

He issued a memo earlier this week in which he promised that the pain from the coronavirus pandemic will last for years and transform society on a permanent basis.

“This is like a world war, except in this case, we’re all on the same side,” he wrote in the memo.”It is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.”

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Gates has already put up $45 billion through his foundation to push vaccines worldwide. The pandemic is giving him the opportunity of a lifetime, and he is not letting this crisis go to waste.

“Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents’ generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic—the first modern pandemic—will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic 1 will ever forget it,” he said, making it clear that more pandemics will follow this and mass panic is the new normal.

He gave scenarios of what the world was going to look like following Pandemic 1, urging readers to “picture restaurants that only seat people at every other table and airplanes where every middle seat is empty.” Gates wrote that the only way people will be able to attend sporting games would be if a “miraculous treatment,” such as one of his vaccines, were to emerge in the near future.

“If in the spring of 2021 people are going to big public events—like a game or concert in a stadium—it will be because we have a miraculous treatment that made people feel confident about going out again,” he wrote.

“During World War II, an amazing amount of innovation, including radar, reliable torpedoes, and code-breaking, helped end the war faster. This will be the same with the pandemic,” Gates wrote in his note to add a slight bit of optimism to his doom forecasting.

Right now, a miraculous treatment has emerged to treat coronavirus in hydroxychloroquine, and even Democrat lawmakers are pushing for it to be given to those stricken with the virus.

Big League Politics reported on the Detroit-area Democrat lawmaker who thanked President Trump for drawing attention to the treatment, which ended up saving her life:

A member of the Michigan legislature who was diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus is crediting hydroxychloroquine and President Trump’s suggestion of the drug’s effectiveness with saving her life.

Rep. Karen Whitsett of Detroit learned that she had tested positive for coronavirus on Monday, but began taking the drug last month when experiencing severe symptoms of the disease. She had sought treatment with her husband on March 18th after falling ill with symptoms associated with coronavirus.

After taking hydroxychloroquine, Whitsett recounted experiencing almost immediate relief from the debilitating symptoms of the virus. It took “less than two hours” after an initial dose that the most severe symptoms of the disease, such as swollen lymph nodes and difficulty breathing, were abated.

The use of hydroxychloroquine has proven a topic of contention, with mainstream media journalists hectoring Trump for suggesting that the drug could prove useful in treating the disease even after large numbers of doctors report preliminary success in using it to treat coronavirus. The drug isn’t yet certified by the FDA as a verifiable drug in treating the disease, but by all indications, it has proven to be a medical game-changer in numerous cases of the disease, including Whitsett’s case.

The globalists do not want hydroxychloroquine being used to sick patients across the country because it might get in the way of the Big Pharma vaccine push orchestrated by Gates.