GOP Must Take the House & Senate
September 4, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
By Devvy Kidd
September 4, 2024
“I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” —General Douglas MacArthur.
Those threats MacArthur spoke about from within are directly dictated by the global masters who orchestrate wars and who are draining the lifeblood of America. The threat to the Union is both foreign and domestic. Right now, the threat is another stolen election.
This is proof that Obama’s intentions are to steal elections from the American people! Get ready everyone!, Sept. 1, 2024 – Short video watch.
The efforts to steal yet a second election from Donald Trump have been underway since he left office assuming he might right again. Bogus lawsuits and indictments. The Democrat Communist Party USA is going full throttle because too many Americans are getting the truth.
At this time, their rancid choice for president (who is ineligible under the U.S. Constitution) is a professional liar. The casting couch has always been Ho Harris’ qualifications for public office. As someone wrote in a comment section: She has a 5-year-old’s brain in an adult body.
Ho Harris’ handlers have chosen a sitting governor for her VP running mate who’s never met the truth in his life. Tampon Tim Walz is a coward (Stolen Valor) and true Marxist. SHAME ON ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR Tampon Tim. Go buy a one-way ticket to North Korea.
While the Internet and in-your-face lies are pumped out of the mouths of ignorant, partisan hacks calling themselves reporters or propaganda box (TV) anchors as well as the empty heads on trash TV called The View in an effort to destroy Trump right along with biased, corrupt judges, we need to remember: the entire U.S. House of Representatives and1/3rd of the unlawfully seated U.S. Senate[1] are up for selection reelection.
After the provable steal in 2020, several states did pass some new election integrity laws, but it won’t be enough to stop the globalist deal makers. Excellent candidates for the House and Senate were cheated (think AZ) as was Donald Trump. We know part of the cheating was done by dishonest precinct workers counting the votes. Skank Katie Hobbs is not the governor of AZ. She’s a liar and a cheat.
I’ve written a million words about vote fraud since 1993, but we are at the end of the rope with this election. Make no mistake about that: Democrat Voters Want a Communist America, August 12, 2024 (Mine)
Want some provable examples of fraud? Look at my column from August 22, 2016 – especially the links at the bottom. It will sicken you. Will we let them steal the election again?
Electronic Voting Machine Gave Bush 4,258 Votes in a Precinct Where Only 638 Voters Actually Voted, Nov. 6, 2004: “According to this article at, a voting machine in Franklin County, Ohio, gave 4,258 votes to Bush and 260 votes to John Kerry. The only problem is this: only 638 people actually voted there.”
I’ll bring this up again because it’s critically important: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election, July 10, 2008 (Mine) “Richard Hayes Phillips, a former college professor, has written a new book titled, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. This monstrous undertaking covers the 2004 election results in the State of Ohio.
“What makes Phillips investigation so compelling is the book is filled with concrete proof that the voters of Ohio were robbed of their right to fair and impartial elections. The amount of work that went into this investigation is staggering: 30,0000 images of forensic evidence, then personally examining 126,000 ballots, 127 poll books and 141 voter signature books from 18 counties in Ohio. This is the definitive and documented evidence of crimes that cannot, must not be ignored.
One thing that showed up in his findings was the same thing I wrote about back in 1996: discrepancies in the numbers during the voting process – where are those votes? If you click here and go to page seven of my findings, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I knew what happened: vote rigging and it was done by the machines. We saw the same thing repeat itself during this last phony primary season.”
I interviewed Prof. Phillips about his book on my radio show, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. A 100% approval level by readers (which also comes with a disc.) There’s no question globalist POS John Kerry won Ohio, but due to the cheating, George W. Bush was given the Electoral College votes and “won” the election.
Diebold Indicted: Its spectre still haunts Ohio elections, Oct. 31, 2013 – “Diebold: the controversial manufacturer of voting and ATM machines, whose name conjures up the demons of Ohio’s 2004 presidential election irregularities, is now finally under indictment for a “worldwide pattern of criminal conduct.” Worth the time to read the whole article.
In 1998, I published a 45 pg booklet, Blind Loyalty, with page after page of provable vote fraud across this country and how easy it is to hack voting machines by experts in that field. In one case the FBI stepped in and that was just for a local funding issue. I sold (at cost) 700,000 copies. I finally retired it because voters didn’t seem to care or believed the liars for hire on the boob tube about the outcome of an election.
With the huge leaps in technology over the past decade, hacking voting machines is kid’s play. Back then huge credit should be given to Bev Harris for her tireless work on exposing electronic fraud. Pleased to see her web site, Black Box Voting still up and worth looking at and getting the truth.
It would have been yet another tragedy had Marxist Kerry been sworn into office, but election fraud in any form is wrong regardless of what party or no party voters. Yet, the Democrat Communist Party USA is busy to make sure it happens again this November, and if they can’t manufacture enough ballots or get enough illegal aliens to vote, Plan B (simply an extension of Plan A) is to cheat to take the majority in the U.S House and/or the Senate. If successful in taking the House with a win for Trump, how long do you think it will take to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump? IF the communists (calling themselves Democrats) refuse to certify the win for Trump we are going to have a real serious problem.
If Trump wins but the DemonRats, Satan’s Pimps, take either chamber it will be a repeat of Trump’s first term all over again. UNLESS he can get our State Attorney General, Ken Paxton, to become the next U.S. Attorney General. While I really don’t want to see Paxton leave Texas, if Trump is truly going to go after the criminals (on many scandals), the number one man in this country that can get the job done is Ken Paxton.
Hero AG Ken Paxton Warns Harris County and Bexar on Using Private Company to Print Ballots and Send Them Out to “Unverified Recipients”, Sept. 3, 2024
Congress has been holding more spit exchanging committee hearings than I’ve got stitches in my leg (which I do right now recovering from surgery and there’s a lot of them…), but with little pene (Italian for penis), Merrick Garland pretending to be the U.S. AG, the GOP – despite mountains of evidence on various issues – have had their hands tied just like when stronzo (turd in Italian) former U.S. AG under dirty traitor, Hussein Obama, Eric Holder, was crapping on the word justice.
The RNC has a number of lawsuits – some with very short trigger dates which I’ll cover very soon. Their web site also provides avenues to fight the fraud:
Swamp the Vote USA
“Do your part to guarantee we win by more than the Margin of Fraud by casting your vote and taking responsibility for ensuring every Republican and Trump voter in your household casts theirs too.”
Stand up for election integrity
“Republicans across the country have been fighting to make sure your vote is safe and secure – but the work is never done. We are working in key states to make sure your vote is protected. If you want to be part of this critical mission to ensure Republicans win in 2024, sign up to be an Election Integrity volunteer in your state.”
I know they have close to 150,000 precinct “watchers”, but the evil doers don’t care. Florida’s New Red Majority Comes From Its Citizen Activists, August 17, 2024. Republican voters now outnumber the communists by ONE MILLION.
Why is the RNC “Working Feverishly” Against Donald Trump?, May 31, 2024 – “FACT: Most of those fired when Rona Romney McDaniel was removed, have been rehired. “Ninety percent …who were fired at the removal of Rona McDaniel have been rehired, and are working feverishly against the re-election of Donald Trump.” PLEASE read this article.
“How could Lara not know this?
“FACT: Election integrity efforts are a sham, REAL election fraud is not being addressed, and anti-Trumpers (aka, anti-Americans in the 2024 reality) are still in charge. This explains why they are still yapping about ballot harvesting and early voting.”
Florida, You Have A Big Problem, Feb. 9, 2024
Not all counties in the country use machines. More and more are now going back to paper ballots which will be publicly witnessed and counted. Ask for a paper ballot when you vote. Yes, I am fully aware of the forced mail-in voting but you can verify your vote.
I don’t expect you to read every link in this column, but Americans need to know what’s going on because only we the people are going to stop another steal – not just Trump but Congress. SO IMPORTANT.
Small Wisconsin Town Under Review by Feds After Eliminating Electronic Voting Machines and Opting for Paper Ballots, May 22, 2024 (More BS about civil rights – ANYTHING to stop a vote for Trump or a GOP for Congress. And don’t try to feed me the crap about the disabled. My late husband was a retired U.S. Army Colonel amputee in a wheel chair. No problem to bring his ballot to the Jeep, but I wheeled him in to vote. Problem solved, Merrick Garland and your dishonest, partisan hacks.
Democrat Election Worker in Harris County, Texas Charged with Six Felonies For His Role in Rigging 2022 Election After Probe Finds Insufficient Paper Ballots in Republican Precincts, August 13, 2024 (Harris is the biggest county here in Texas.)
FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots – But There’s No Verifiable Paper Trail Thanks to State Using Faulty Voting Machines, Nov 28, 2023
Florida Move Would Back Up Electronic Voting, Feb. 1, 2007 – “Florida, famous for its election snafus, is taking steps to put that history behind it. The state’s new Republican governor, Charlie Crist, says he wants to require the use of paper ballots in all 67of the state’s counties. That would mean phasing out the use of touch-screen voting machines, which currently count nearly half the ballots cast in Florida.” Spitting in the wind.
EXCLUSIVE: Florida’s Lee County Republican Executive Committee Passes Motion to Return to Paper Ballots, March 2, 2023
It’s not enough to reply on any machine/scanner – even if you get a print out of your vote which is what they do in my county. No, an alleged losing candidate must do a forensic analysis as explained in Prof. Phillip’s book and any electronic machine and scanners.
Early voting starts now in some states. How wrong IMHO. You’ve heard the expression ‘October surprise’. I can tell you many of us are very worried about what the evil doers might resort to as they see the American people have had enough of the Marxists in CON-gress, state legislatures, governors.
Election day is Nov. 5. Kash Patel Warns of Potential Blackout or Attack on Power Infrastructure ‘During this Election Cycle’, Sept. 3, 2024 // Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient, August 30, 2024
New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, August 31, 2024 // In anti-Trump letter, 230 former GOP staffers say “we’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris” – “Over 200 Republicans who worked for former President George W. Bush, Sen. Mitt Romney and the late Sen. John McCain have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, warning in a letter that a second Donald Trump presidency would be an “untenable” threat to American and the world order, USA Today reported.
‘Habitual Liar’: Retired Military Leaders Slam Gov. Tim Walz for Lying About His Rank, Sept. 2, 2024 // DISGUSTING! NBC Hack Kristen Welker Lies and Claims Kamala Was at the Dignified Transfer of the Kabul Airport Bombing Victims – When Kamala Blew It Off (VIDEO), Set. 1, 2024
SKANK: NEVER FORGET! Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel Hid the LARGEST ELECTION FRAUD SCANDAL in State History from the People of Michigan in 2020, Aug. 29, 2024 – “On Tuesday, Michigan’s tyrannical SOS, Jocelyn Benson, shared a video on social media where she threatened election officials in local communities. “We will come for you,” if you dare to refuse to certify the election results, she warned.” // Here We Go Again: Ohio Board of Elections Asks SOS To Investigate Black Fork Strategies For Alleged Registration Fraud…”This is fraud! This is outright fraudulent behavior!” Aug. 3, 2024
TGP’s Jim Hoft on The War Room – We Have Evidence of ANOTHER Democrat-Funded Voter Registration Company That Was Recently Caught Turning in Fraudulent Registrations in Ohio (VIDEO), Aug. 3, 2024 // Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges, Aug. 1, 2024, // South Texas Judge Overturns City Council Election Due to Voter Fraud and Allegations of Fake Addresses on Voter Registrations, June 10, 2024
Far-Left Group in Ohio Is Being Investigated for Turning in an Inch-Wide Stack of Likely Fraudulent Voter Registrations – ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?, Aug. 23, 2024 // Elon Musk Calls For Ban on Fraud Enabling Voting Machines: ‘The Risk of Being Hacked is Still Too High’, June 15, 2024 // Sheriff Mack: “Every Sheriff In This Country Should Be Investigating One Election Fraud”, Jue 10, 2024 // Vote Fraud: What They Aren’t Telling You (mine and well, well worth the read, Oct. 22, 2004
[TX] Governor Abbott Announces Over 1 Million Ineligible Voters Removed From Voter Rolls, Aug. 26, 2024 [Note: Also big shout out to Judicial Watch for forcing counties to clean up their voting rolls or face lawsuits; they’ve been successful every time but it’s up to the county clerk to adhere to the law and keep voting rolls current, allowing only legal voters to cast a ballot.]
Just the tip of the iceberg; I could fill pages and pages of the shenanigans going on right now but it’s up to We the People to act and get involved. Stop Non-Citizens from Voting – Here’s How, June 24, 2024 (Mine with many organizations you can volunteer to help stop another steal – especially the House and Senate.) Time is of the essence.
In the meantime, order a copy of Prof. Phillip’s book, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election and see how all those students proved the fraud. This is a video interview: Richard Hayes Phillips – A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election, Sept. 19, 2008
One Man’s Crusade Against Voter Fraud – must read. “He formed The People’s Audit. “On this website, Kris provides the evidence of existing fraud, complete with graphs and charts, as well as education, to help citizens learn how to recognize and counter fraud in their own precincts. There is an online training academy to help people really understand the voting process and to protect the vote. As a Florida resident, you can go to this site, and check if your last votes were correctly registered and counted!”
For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00
2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved
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[1] States must force 17th Amendment showdown, Feb. 4, 2005 (Mine)
36 States Did Not Ratify 17th Amendment – What Will States Do?, Jan, 16, 2012. (Mine) “It is alleged California voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment on January 28, 1913. Next, please look at this journal page I personally retrieved from the California State Archives. 1913. See item 7 regarding the constitutional amendment to elect U.S. Senators: May 20, 1913: From Committee. Without Recommendation. How could it go from committee without recommendation on May 20th if it was allegedly voted on five months earlier? It wasn’t.”
Lawsuit filed: Seventeenth Amendment not ratified, Oct. 12, 2014 (Mine) – “Then, much to my shock right on the heels of finding that case, what else did I discover? Oh, you won’t believe this:
“On April 11, 2002, the State of Alabama decided out of the clear blue to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment – 89 years after the alleged ratification. Back in 1913, not all states were in session; some were out of session four years at a time. Others took no action on the amendment – Georgia specifically based on an investigation ordered by their governor at the time that the Seventeenth Amendment was not legally adopted by Congress before it was even sent to the states.
“On July 1, 2010, 97 years after the alleged ratification of that amendment, the State of Delaware ratified it. On April 1, 2012, 99 years after the alleged ratification, the State of Maryland voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment. How interesting that nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and after people like me have been pounding on this issue for close to two decades, three states just up and decided to vote on an old constitutional amendment.
“Now you see why Dillon v Gloss is so important to my case as is the taxpayer ‘standing’ exception here in Texas.”
And speaking of being lied to by government agencies (FDA, CDC, FBI, Secret Service), there’s a new web site focusing on 9/11, Truthlink. It is the main issue of my column last week: Trump Will Release Remaining JFK Assassination Files – What About 9/11?
“Our” government has lied to We the People about WACO, TWA Flight 800, KAL 007, OKC, the so-called Russian Dossier paid for by Hildebeast Clinton’s campaign to ruin Trump, the attempted assassination of Trump last month and they’ve been lying to the world about 9/11 for the past 23 years.
Truthlink’s web site is one of the most comprehensive on the organizations (and names) working to destroy our republic. Nearly daily postings give very deep dive investigations into who these evil doers are and you will be shocked. Many will be in denial because trust shattered most of the time never recovers.