Greta Thunberg: Climate Change And Mental Illness

November 14, 2020 in News by RBN Staff


The conventional narrative on climate change got a new lease on life when Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish environmental activist, arrived in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly in September. As if to lend heightened drama to her entrance, Greta arrived from her native Sweden not by plane but by sail boat, crossing the Atlantic at the height of hurricane season with her father to lessen their carbon footprint. The fact that the sailboat was in fact one of the Rothschild family’s racing yachts came out only after the fact, as did the fact that the entire crew along with Greta and her father were scheduled to fly back to Sweden after their stay in America, but these inconvenient truths exposing who was behind the agenda did little to diminish the drama surrounding her arrival.2

The main-stream media greeted Greta as the child Messiah of climate change. Influenced by all of the hype emanating from New York, the Church of Sweden, which was the state church until it got disestablished in 2000, re-tweeted their “Announcement!” of December 1, 2018, declaring that “Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg.”3

The Swedes had a long history of turning climate change into a sacred cause. In an article which dismissed the climate change hysteria surrounding Thunberg’s visit as a moral panic, retired MIT climatologist Richard Lindzen mentioned the crucial role which Swedes like Olaf Palme, the father of Swedish social engineering, played as early as the 1970s, when he served on the board of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.4 It was the IPCC’s predictions about carbon dioxide which played a crucial role in converting Greta’s mother to the climate change cause. Or as she put it: