Hacked Emails Prior To Scalia Murder Show Hillary’s Rage
October 16, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Source: rense.com
By Yoichi Shimatsu
A Wikileaks release of an email exchange between Washington insiders at the time of Hillary Clinton’s defeat in the New Hampshire Democratic primaries suggests her rage-driven role in ordering a spree of politically motivated murders, which in hindsight could explain the mysterious deaths of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, DNC staffer Seth Rich, attorney Shawn Lucas, and others, along with mortal threats against rivals Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
Here, the emails between the two principals, Democrat kingmaker John Podesta and gay lobby leader Steve Elmendorf, are correlated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign schedule and a subsequent string of politically motivated killings and attempted murders.
Hillary Clinton’s reign of terror goes beyond attempts to frighten rival candidates, given the fact that the elimination of Justice Scalia is a bold attempt to restructure the American political system of checks and balances into a totalitarian presidency above the law and disdainful of populist demands.
As a consequence of Scalia’s death, the nation’s highest court has been facing the gravest danger of becoming transformed into an instrument of a tyrannical presidency. The heinous crime does not simply involve the silencing of an outspoken judge in opposition but represents a potentially fatal strike against the separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judiciary branches, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
The Podesta-Elmendorf emails should spur a restart of investigative journalism (in absence of a functioning Attorney General’s office under the sold-out appropriately surnamed Loretta Lynch) into the unsolved murders that now warn the citizenry of an ongoing coup against American democracy.If the murderous assault against the high court did indeed involve tacit approval from the White House, then the obvious objective is a dictatorship ruling through fear and intimidation of the citizenry without any legal constraints.
All In for Assassination
For a minute, consider yourself a member of the jury while the Clintons and Obama sit in the docket on charges of third-degree murder and treason against the United States. The prosecution presents the following email, exchanged just four days before Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in bed at the Cibola Creek Ranch at noon February 13, the first-ever death by apparent murder of a high judge in the 226-year history of the Supreme Court.
From: elmendorf@teamsubjectmatter.com
To john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2016-02-09 20:56
RE: Thanks
I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite. We all need to buckle up and double down
From: John Podesta [mail to: john.podesta@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09.2016 4:36pm
To: Steve Elmendorf <elmendorf@teamsubjectmatter.com>
Subject: Thanks
Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.
Insiders Implicated
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