Homeless being rounded up and taken to camps amid coronavirus outbreak
March 15, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
source: www.intellihub.com
By Shepard Ambellas
Snatch and grabs of American citizens have been authorized at the highest levels and are now being conducted as the U.S. Constitution remains in suspension under current national level coronavirus state of emergency declaration.
SEATAC (INTELLIHUB) — King County officials announced on Saturday a plan to take homeless to the old arrivals section at Boeing Field against everything America stands for.
Under the current national state of emergency declaration snatch and grabs of American citizens have been authorized at the highest levels in an effort to mitigate the spread of the deadly Covid-19 Contagion.
Authorities have been ordered to use force if necessary to carry out quarantine orders.
From the Seattle Times:
The two quarantine or isolation properties are the Eastgate parking lot in Bellevue and a motel in Issaquah the county just leased.
City and county officials have scrambled to open up new space to create social distancing in crowded shelters, which house a vulnerable population at risk of contracting severe COVID-19 illnesses. Officials anticipate “hundreds or thousands” of people needing to use quarantine facilities in the coming weeks who cannot isolate at home or do not have homes of their own, according to King County Leo Flor, director of the county’s Department of Community and Human Services.
Keep in mind, homeless are not the only humans authorized to be detained. If you think you are immune to the order that you may have another thing coming.
Under the current national state of emergency, anyone in violation of a quarantine order will receive a $250,000 fine and mandatory imprisonment. So you may want to think twice about leaving your home during the zombie apocalypse once the U.S. military begins to enforce it.
And if that is not bad enough, being taken to a camp with the infected would surely mean a horrible death. Remember, officials have been lying about the kill rate which seems to be about 16% in Washington State.
Meanwhile, in Austin, Texas local authorities have openly admitted that the violation of a quarantine order equals jail time.