Horror: California University Claims Kids Should Engage in ‘Sexual Play,’ Watch Porn
June 16, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
source: stream.org
Children as young as four should be allowed to touch each other’s genitals, according to a California university’s website. Youngsters should also watch pornography. The school calls that “normal.” The College Fix was the first to report the ghastly story Wednesday.
The University of California, Santa Barbara’s Sociology department hosts a website called SexInfo Online. This website has a large number of articles all regarding human sexuality. Students who have studied human sexuality maintain the site.
Childhood Sexuality
In a section called Childhood Sexuality, UCSB students tell parents it is normal for little children to engage in sexual play. It’s “normal” for kids to play with each other, fondle themselves and even watch porn. “The majority of sexual play between children takes place between the ages of four and seven. … Children might display affection to their friends by hugging and kissing, or touching each other’s genitals, which is perfectly normal. Parents should not react in a negative way because children are just exploring.”
According to their ghastly view, parents should only intervene when the play becomes “non-consensual,” or painful. They even argue it’s okay for children to insert something inside their genitals.
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Parents should react positively to children’s sexual “play,” the website declares. “Reacting with punishment and disapproval should be avoided, since it can lead to lifelong problems of shame and sexual guilt.”
Children Watching Porn
In another section called Talking to Your Child About Sex, the website says that children should be allowed to watch pornography. It states, “It is important that children understand that viewing pornography is a normal habit and they do not need to be ashamed of it.” The website warns only that watching porn can create unrealistic expectations. (Studies on the devastating effects of porn get short shrift.)
Giving ‘The Talk’
Parents should give “the talk” to their children — before the children ask:
Children and teens do not want to be told what to do, especially when it comes to personal topics such as sex. It is important that parents do not lecture their children, but instead try to present information and have an open discussion about sex. Adolescents will make their own decisions regarding sex and it is up to the parent to give them the information and resources needed to make informed decisions.
Children should be aware of the consequences of sex. But “they should also be exposed to the joys of sex,” because sex is “often beautiful and natural.”
That is Not So
As The College Fix reports, the Children’s Advocacy Center in Tennessee instructs parents to tell their kids that “the touching of others’ private parts is not acceptable.”
Dr. James Dobson is a leading child psychologist, radio host and author of 30 books on the preservation of the family. The university’s claims leave him mortified. He writesin his blog that there is a danger in giving young children too much information too soon. “Children can sustain a severe emotional jolt by being exposed to realities for which they are not prepared.”
Further, if they are given information at an early age, they are unlikely to wait until marriage to put that knowledge into practice. Parents should talk with their children before they pass adolescence. But “[c]hildhood education should be focused on childish interests, not adult pleasures and desires.”
News of the USCB’s encouragement of childhood sexual activity and porn watching comes one day after the Department of Justice announced the arrest of 2,300 pedophile pornographers nationwide. Operation “Broken Heart” took place over three months, targeting online child sex offenders.
The task force identified 383 children who suffered recent, ongoing or historical sexual abuse or production of child pornography.