House Democrats Stage Childish College-Style ‘Sit-In’ For Gun Control

June 22, 2016 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Chicks on the Right | By 


I expect immature college students to pull these kinds of moronic shenanigans. Not elected officials representing the American people in the House of Representatives.

Check out what House Dems are doing to protest Paul Ryan not bringing a ridiculous gun control bill to the House floor. It’s like they never left the 1960s or something –


They look less like duly elected representatives and more like kindergartners waiting for their juice box and cookie after storytime. The “Sit-In” was opened by these remarks by Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) –  

And they’re now “occupying” the House Floor. Because that’s what Democrats and liberals (but I repeat myself) do when they lose a vote. They whine, cry, stomp their feet, and demand that they get their way.


Forget about the Second Amendment. Forget about the rights of ALL Americans to defend themselves and their families. Forget about all the gun laws and regulations already in place. Democrats won’t rest until every American is disarmed and vulnerable to attacks from terrorists, robbers, intruders, and government jackboot thugs.

Mr. CJ and I looked at rifles over the weekend (he wants a fancy AR-style, I was thinking about a traditional lever-action hunting rifle). At the time, I was on the fence about getting one – I already have a revolver that I quite like and suits my needs (cost is also a consideration). But crap like this makes me want to want to go out and get the darn thing tonight. If for no other reason that it’ll tweak all these wimpy gun control leftists if there’s one more firearm in the hands of a law-abiding citizen.

(h/t The Right Scoop)