How Long Will Israelis Put Up With Netanyahu’s Antics?
December 27, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Democrats in America are sore losers, disgracing themselves in the process. According to Vladimir Putin, they’re “losing on all fronts and looking for scapegoats on whom to lay the blame,” entirely lacking dignity.
“It is important to know how to lose gracefully,” Putin stressed. His comments apply to Netanyahu, lashing out at Obama over Security Council members voting 14 – 0, affirming the illegality of Israeli settlements – America withholding its usual rubber-stamp veto on anything hostile to Israeli interests.
His antics since Friday’s vote show he’s lost it, going out of his way to alienate countries supporting Res. 2334. He controls the Foreign Ministry portfolio, serving in a dual capacity, doing considerable diplomatic damage by how he operates.
Last Sunday, he told his ministers to “(t)ravel less frequently in the near future to those countries that voted against us. Restrain yourselves,” he added.
He had his US ambassador appear on Sunday talk shows – Ron Dermer claiming Israel has “clear evidence” indicating Obama was behind Res. 2334.
He ordered his Foreign Ministry to punish Security Council members supporting the measure, ordering the imposition of (illegal) sanctions on ones he designates – including refusing to receive their foreign ministers and other officials.
He’s hysterical over a January 15 Paris conference involving dozens of foreign ministers, intending to draft a conflict resolution plan for adoption by Quartet and Security Council members before Obama leaves office.
Extremist regime ministers urge annexation of West Bank land Israel controls – outrageous to the world community if he proceeds.
His one saving grace is strong Trump backing, soon to succeed Obama, promising to be the most “pro-Israel president ever” – aided by near-unanimous congressional support.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R. CA) said “(t)he new Republican government looks forward to working with our ally Israel and will stand up at the United Nations to prevent future ill- conceived resolutions.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: “…I am committed to working with the new administration and my colleagues in Congress to reassure our ally Israel that America’s commitment to the two state solution – achieved in a manner which protects Israel’s vital national security interest – is unswerving.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R. WI): “Friday’s vote is a blow to peace that sets a dangerous precedent for further diplomatic efforts to isolate and demonize Israel. Our unified Republican government will work to reverse the damage done by this administration, and rebuild our alliance with Israel.”
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R. SC): “Congress will work w/@realDonaldTrump to reject any UN efforts to impose 1-sided solutions or unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.”
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D. MD): “Blaming Israel for the continuation of the conflict is not only wrong and unjust…This resolution ignores the culpability of Palestinian leaders and groups for engaging in violent acts.”
Blaming victims is longstanding US practice. So is ignoring fundamental international and constitutional law.
America and Israel conspired against Palestinian rights for decades – destroying hope for equitable conflict resolution earlier, now or ahead.